int-koordination AT
Betreff: Internationale Koordination
AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU
Chronologisch Thread
- From: Bastian <bastian AT>
- To: "int-koordination AT" <int-koordination AT>, 'PPEU coordination group' <pp-eu AT>, 'PPEU Board' <pp-eu.board AT>
- Cc: 'Council of the European Pirate Party' <pp-eu.council AT>
- Subject: AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU
- Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 22:57:19 +0000
- Accept-language: de-DE, en-US
Hi Thomas,
I think that nobody will discuss this problem. It’s the question of power not of discussing any problems. Maybe we name it stubborn. It’s a special behaviour we learned in Brussels 2014. That’s the reason why really _nothing_ happened since then (#UASY we had another meeting in Brussels in 2015, nobody cares for the “results”).
My idea was to arrange something. But now it’s outdated.
So, may the force be with you.
Von: int-koordination-request AT [mailto:int-koordination-request AT]
Im Auftrag von "Thomas Gaul"
The proposed alternatives, given by PPDE had even not been handled by the current board, though on the agenda.
The current statutes just do not justify an asynchronous meeting. If need to be, a court will have to decide on it.
Unfortunately it will have to be a real court due to the fact that a “court of arbitration” had been left out of the statutes deliberately.
But first I like to give the PPEU council the chance to find out for itself, that the current format does not fit the statutes. If all members (not only the present members) will agree to it, all might be good.
Let us see if all members will agree to it. A motion to the council will be handed it accordingly.
Best regards
Von: pp-eu [mailto:pp-eu-bounces AT]
Im Auftrag von Bastian
Hi Muriel,
that’s the point: “Meeting may be in person or online” means “in person or online”. That means “have to be present”, maybe online (Mumble, Skype, Openmeetings whatever). Every people who is working in business (organisation) knows exactly what that means. We can do this either in the future, but after changing our statutes. Today it’s not according to our statutes – and I will promise even a Belgium court will accept my opinion.
So, you (or the rest of board) have the choice. But please don't blame the whole PPEU. Thx.
CU Bastian
Von: [mailto:int-koordination-request AT]
Im Auftrag von Muriel
Dear Bastian, I think we might disagree on what is the definition of a "meeting" or an "online meeting" (although our statutes clearly state "Meeting may be in person or online.") or the interpretation of the statutes, but I can't believe you believe that we have violated ALL rules. :) Greetings, Muriel
2017-05-25 23:37 GMT+02:00 Bastian <bastian AT>: Hi Muriel,
ok. But that’s not the main problem. Apart from the violation of all rules and deadlines:
You have only two choices:
a) Cancel this event, b) Do this non-present event, collect votings for anything and send this votings to all Council members who _have to accept them unanimously_.
Your decision.
Or ask MaB, he knows everything better… ;-)
int-koordination-request AT [mailto:int-koordination-request AT]
Im Auftrag von Muriel
Dearest Bastian, Sorry, I see I didn't explain myself very well...
2017-05-25 22:41 GMT+02:00 Bastian <bastian AT>: Hi Muriel!
Sorry, but isn’t too late at all?
The statues are quite clear:
Article 14 (7):
The Council will meet at least once in a calendar year, more often if requested by at least 1/4 of the Ordinary Members or by a decision of the Board. Meeting may be in person or online. If the Council meeting is in person, remote participation of non-attending members shall be possible. The Board will prepare the meetings and invite all members by email at least one month before the date of the Council meeting. In urgent cases this time may be shortened to an appropriate length. The invitation to the Council meeting has to specify date, time, place and the draft agenda of the meeting. A link to a website with the agenda in the invitation shall be sufficient and necessary.
Nothing is fulfiled.
And a meeting is a meeting. A meeting is not defined as an “unsynchronous something” in the cloud. You may do that, if _all_ council members will accept decisions by writing form (unanimously).
You can do it the future, if the council have changed the statues.
Best regards,
Bastian Member of Statues Group
int-koordination-request AT [mailto:int-koordination-request AT]
Im Auftrag von Muriel Rovira Esteva
Dear all, I am creating now the users "by hand", you should receive an email from me in a few minutes. Greetings, Muriel
2017-05-25 21:20 GMT+02:00 Thomas Gaul <thomas.gaul AT>: Hello Tony, >> Dear board of PPEU! --
- Re: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.council] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, (fortgesetzt)
- Re: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.council] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Muriel Rovira Esteva, 26.05.2017
- Re: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Muriel, 26.05.2017
- AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Bastian, 26.05.2017
- Re: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Muriel Rovira Esteva, 26.05.2017
- Re: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Muriel, 25.05.2017
- AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Bastian, 25.05.2017
- Re: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Muriel, 26.05.2017
- AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Bastian, 26.05.2017
- AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Thomas Gaul, 26.05.2017
- AW: [Int-koordination] [pp-eu] [pp-eu.board] [pp-eu.council] Complaint for the upcoming council meeting of PPEU, Bastian, 26.05.2017
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