ag-meinungsfindungstool AT
Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list
- From: Alexander Praetorius <citizen AT>
- To: Piraten AG Meinungsfindungstool <ag-meinungsfindungstool AT>
- Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools
- Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 00:25:07 +0200
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: <>
your last 3 mails took close to 4000 characters which included lots of criticism.
you mixed talking about theory + citation combined with a slight insult when talking about your grandma baking bread.
the person listing "criteria" was trying to be constructive by breaking down your "verbose soup of words" from before into just 10 words.
Of course, this can never be perfectly accurate, but if you want to "bake" the right mechanisms into a software, you need to start to formalize stuff to a level where it can be understood by computers.
If this is not the goal, then this is the wrong mailinglist.
Now when somebody tries to do so, then a more appropriate response by someone who seems to know a lot about the theory of how to approach this,would be, to instead IMPROVE the list of ten words (categories) and explaining the reasoning behind the "improvement", so that others can learn from that.
In my experience, this approach achieves progress MUCH FASTER :-) + creates more happiness amongst the participants.
just my 2 cents
your last 3 mails took close to 4000 characters which included lots of criticism.
you mixed talking about theory + citation combined with a slight insult when talking about your grandma baking bread.
the person listing "criteria" was trying to be constructive by breaking down your "verbose soup of words" from before into just 10 words.
Of course, this can never be perfectly accurate, but if you want to "bake" the right mechanisms into a software, you need to start to formalize stuff to a level where it can be understood by computers.
If this is not the goal, then this is the wrong mailinglist.
Now when somebody tries to do so, then a more appropriate response by someone who seems to know a lot about the theory of how to approach this,would be, to instead IMPROVE the list of ten words (categories) and explaining the reasoning behind the "improvement", so that others can learn from that.
In my experience, this approach achieves progress MUCH FASTER :-) + creates more happiness amongst the participants.
just my 2 cents
2014-10-02 3:23 GMT+02:00 janonymous2 <janonymous2 AT>:
Was war eigentlich nochmal das Ziel des Ganzen?
Vor allem zu den Punkten 1, 7, 8 und 10 und auch zum gesamten Vorgehen folgende Anmerkung:
This "reminded me of my first attempt to bake bread. My mother had told me all the incredients but I did not know how to put them together. The result was closer to some sort of cereal pudding than to bread but grandpa liked it because it was easy to swallow."
I think you "are far from explaining how all phenomena [you] cite make a theory of volition [concerning a free, decentral and non hierarchical decision making]", That means how they (the discussion tools) fit together combined in a functional or experimental architecture (flow) to serve and foster similar or different ways to a collaborative, fair, free and open collective desicion making.
"Such a theory should be able to resolve some of the paradoxes [you/we] have mention [especially: Fallstricke/Störung von Diskursen und Entscheidungsstrukturen] and it should answer even more basic questions [you] forget to ask." That´s why your dimensions are propably biased by different forms of flow inhibiting aggregation errors*.
* Methoden der horizontalen und vertikalen Dekomposition zur Theorie- und Kategorienbildung verringern Aggregations- und Planungsfehler, siehe auch S. 8 ff
Zitat aus: Kuhl, J. - Who controls whom when I control myself. Psychological Inquiry
Vol. 7, No. 1 (1996), pp. 61-68
bloxx schrieb:
nach der Sitzung gestern habe ich einmal versucht, die geniale Liste von Problemen von Diskussionssystemen in Kategorien aufzuteilen. Die Zuordnung ist gar nicht leicht, viele Probleme würden auch zu mehreren Kategorien passen.
Generell aber glaube ich, dass sich alle Probleme in folgenden Kategorien unterbringen lassen:
1. Absichtliche Störungen
2. Unsachlichkeit
3. Aufmerksamkeitslenkung / Zeiteffizienz
4. Redundanz, eng verknüpft mit...
5. ...Kooperation / Kollaboration
6. Attraktivität und Benutzung
7. Qualität
8. Security / Safety / Privacy
9. Mensch
...Hui, sind sogar genau zehn Kategorien geworden :o)
Wir waren uns ja letztes Mal nicht ganz einig, ob sich solche Kategorien lohnen, aber ich dachte mir, es schadet ja nicht, eine Kategorisierung zu versuchen (piratiges Mandat). Im besten Fall gewinnen wir dadurch neue Einblicke / Überblick über die ganzen Baustellen.
Wie steht ihr zu den Kategorien? Findet ihr sie nützlich oder eher nicht?
Die Zuordnung findet sich hier:
Viele Grüße,
Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list
Everything I have written above is my personal experience/opinion on things, no matter what kinds of words i did use
(e.g. "always", "never", "impossible", "waste of time", ....).
Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Everything I have written above is my personal experience/opinion on things, no matter what kinds of words i did use
(e.g. "always", "never", "impossible", "waste of time", ....).
Such extreme words only do indicate, that my experience/opinion on something is very strong and i currently cannot imagine that there are other possibilities until new arguments/insights/whatever open my eyes that there are alternative perspectives too :-)
Please do not feel discouraged to challenge my opinion if you have a different one.
Please do not feel discouraged to challenge my opinion if you have a different one.
Alexander Praetorius
Bornemannstrasse 17
D - 60599 Frankfurt am Main
[skype] alexander.praetorius
[mail] citizen AT
- [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, pa . rei, 01.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, Slash, 02.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, janonymous2, 02.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, janonymous2, 02.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, janonymous2, 02.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, janonymous2, 02.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, Alexander Praetorius, 03.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, janonymous2, 02.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, Schallehn AT, 03.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, pa . rei, 03.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, Slash, 03.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, janonymous2, 07.10.2014
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Baustellen Meinungsfindungstools, Slash, 02.10.2014
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