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int-koordination - [Int-koordination] PPI weitere Vorschläge für Satzungsänderungen

int-koordination AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Internationale Koordination


[Int-koordination] PPI weitere Vorschläge für Satzungsänderungen

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: "Thomas Gaul" <thomas.gaul AT piratenpartei.de>
  • To: "'Internationale Koordination'" <int-koordination AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: [Int-koordination] PPI weitere Vorschläge für Satzungsänderungen
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:41:18 +0200


die Deadline steht ja bekanntlich vor der Haustüre. Jedoch habe ich heute,
die für gestern angekündigten Vorschläge von Pakki und Josef Collentine
erhalten, die ich Euch zur Meinungsäußerung anreiche.

Es sind drei Vorschläge. Bitte genau lesen und Meinung äußern.

Neugierige Grüße


===SAP-X II Goals - Removing "information & coordination on core topics"

{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
!align="right" width="165px" | Tasks & Goals
!style="background-color:#999; color:#FFFFFF;" | Changing the Goals of PPI
!align="right" |Sponsor
| Pirate Party Name and short form (PPXX)
!align="right" |Member(s) of Pirate Party proposing
| Name(s)
!align="right" |Contact data
| email address or similar
!align="right" |proposal ballot(s)

Delete paragraph (2) e: "share information and coordinate research on the
core pirate topics,"

!align="right" | Motivation: The goals are already wide enough for PPI
without this. There has been no attempts at accomplishing this goal during
the past few years and PPI will need more resources before this goal will be
a priority. Better having more focused goals that are accomplished than
having intentions that are not followed.


==SAP-X Changing the functions of the General Assembly ==

{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
!align="right" width="165px" | Changing the functions of the General
!style="background-color:#999; color:#FFFFFF;" | Remove policy motions &
!align="right" |Sponsor
| Pirate Party Name and short form (PPXX)
!align="right" |Member(s) of Pirate Party proposing
| Name(s)
!align="right" |Contact data
| email address or similar
!align="right" |proposal ballot(s)

Remove function (a) and (b) from section X. "Functions of the General

a) to consider the policies and standards of the Pirate Movement throughout
the world and take such action as shall further the goals of Pirate Parties
b) to formulate the general policy of Pirate Parties International,

!align="right" | Motivation: PPI has started to become a supranational
organization by adopting resolutions that the members are expected to
follow: http://wiki.pp-international.net/Resolutions

PPI should not be a top-down organization that dictates which policies their
members adopt. It's enough having larger agreements (such as the Uppsala
declaration http://wiki.pp-international.net/Uppsala_Declaration , Prague
declaration http://ppeu.net/?p=339 and the CEEP
http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=programme:ceep which are joined bottom-up.

Through removing the ability to add new policies PPI would focuse on
coordinating, promoting and interacting with their members rather than
telling them what to do.


==SAP-X Termination of Membership==

{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
!align="right" width="165px" | Termination of Membership
!style="background-color:#999; color:#FFFFFF;" | Changing requirements for
members of PPI
!align="right" |Sponsor
| Pirate Party Name and short form (PPXX)
!align="right" |Member(s) of Pirate Party proposing
| Name(s)
!align="right" |Contact data
| email address or similar
!align="right" |proposal ballot(s)


VII. Termination of Membership

(3) A Member’s affiliation ceases automatically upon dissolution,
disqualification, liquidation or in cases of temporary administration,
court-ordered settlement or insolvency. The Membership also ends
automatically when this Member does no longer fulfill the criteria that were
necessary for its preliminary recognition as a Member.


VII. Termination of Membership

(3) A Member’s affiliation ceases automatically upon dissolution,
disqualification, liquidation or in cases of temporary administration,
court-ordered settlement or insolvency. The Membership also ends
automatically when this Member does no longer fulfill the criteria that were
necessary for its preliminary recognition as a Member. If a member fails to
attend either of the two past General Assemblies their membership is
terminated as well.

!align="right" |reasoning and motivation
| Having members of PPI that are inactive in the organization only makes the
interaction between members harder and statutes will be harder to pass.

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