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ag-meinungsfindungstool - Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Antrag auf beschleunigte Zersetzung

ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list


Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Antrag auf beschleunigte Zersetzung

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Alexander Praetorius <alexander.praetorius AT serapath.de>
  • To: ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de
  • Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Antrag auf beschleunigte Zersetzung
  • Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 20:22:07 +0100
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-meinungsfindungstool>
  • List-id: <ag-meinungsfindungstool.lists.piratenpartei.de>

Wo genau geht eigentlich "Meinungsfindung bzw. Meinungsbildung" in "Entscheidung & Ausführung" über?

Sollen Gesetze entworfen und diskutiert werden?
Sollen Inhaltliche, Organisatorische, finanzielle usw.. Fragen gestellt und erklärt werde?
Sollen Konzepte zur Druchführung entworfen werden?

Ich weiss nicht was man alles gemeinsam diskutieren kann, da gibt es vielleicht unterschiedliche Kategorien und dementsprechend unterschiedliche Anforderungen.

Folgende Links (Wobei mir unklar ist ob:

Auf einer anderen Mailingliste ging mal folgendes rum, das aber vielleicht nicht 1:1 Sinn macht...

"Is this a complete list? Is there a theory attached to it?
Is there a branch of science that asks these kinds of questions?

• landparcel infrastructure systems
• manufacturing/production systems
• transportation system(s)
- infrastructure system?
- What about an energy supply system? (is a transportation more special than energy supply?)
• financial system
• economic system
• emergency response system(s) (will an institution that might investigate issues be included?)
- What about a media or information system? (is it just a communication system?)
• communication system(s)
• decision making system(s)
• charters & contracts (legal instruments)
- What about a judgement system? (is it just a decision making system?)
• learning systems
- What about an information or knowledge system?
• systems to support research, invention, design
• systems to support arts & entertainment
• systems to support health
- what about an issues management system?
- What about an audit system?
- whats a human ressources system good for? (like the one taiwan has...)
- whistleblower system?
- military (aerospace & defense) system?

I really like your list, but i want to understand it better so i ask these questions :)

I would classify as:
open questions,
closed questions.

Open question would be further classified as:
questions that will produce multiple acceptable, concurring answers.
Usually "what" questions.
questions that need to produce a single answer (as more than one will not work well together). Often "how" questions.
Decision Contexts
To be fully functional, a global trans-community social system needs these parts:
decision making system(s)
charters & contracts (legal instruments)
financial system
economic system
learning systems
systems to support research, invention, design
systems to support arts & entertainment
systems to support health
communication system(s)
transportation system(s)
emergency response system(s)
landparcel infrastructure systems
manufacturing/production systems

By time:
Decisions concerning past, present and future; respectively examination, operation and planification.

By input:
As Pietro said, yes-no decisions and multiple choice decisions.

Some exemplar scenarios that occur to me are:

- A civic regulation such traffic signal light. These sorts of laws are only useful if everyone follows them. An opt-in system of obeying traffic signals would make them entirely useless.

- A business regulation such as requiring the accurate statement of food ingredients, which helps protect the citizenry from harmful behavior by enterprises.

- A civic project such as building a road. Here there is the possibility for opt-in/opt-out. However, there are wider issues relating to opting. For example, do people who opt out of paying for the road still get to use it? Or, perhaps building the road will have environmental impacts that affect people nearby; so they want to not simply opt-out of the project but actively stop it.

- An ongoing community service such as a fire brigade or a homeless shelter. Another scenario where opt-in/opt-out is imaginable, but the service provides a social good to the entire community regardless of who in particular pays for it.

- Bureaucratic government actions, such as hiring and paying vendors to carry out community decisions. If the community decides to build a road, who administers the details of the project?

- Laws of civil order; and their enforcement. Laws against murder are easy to support, but there are countless other laws that become much more fuzzy. At what point does the community get to decide that this kind of law gets passed, and at what point do they get the authority to enforce such a law with the power of coercion? A 100% opt-in system certainly doesn't work against, say, crimes of property, because one person could break consensus and then claim the right to break into other peoples' houses and rob them.

- Responding to an impending disaster, invasion, etc. Consensus is not nearly as imperative as quick action; however there can be substantial disagreement about what action to take.

These are just some examples. I probably should have just started this list in the wiki, but my time is up for now. Anyone else, feel free to transcribe this there and start work on organizing it. Or point to a good list that is already out there, if you can find one."

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