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nrw-kreis-recklinghausen - [Kreis-RE] Fwd: [NRW Info] Fwd: [pp-eu] Apply now as a candidate for the board of the Pirate Party Europe

nrw-kreis-recklinghausen AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Mailingliste zur Koordination der Kreis Recklinghausen Piraten


[Kreis-RE] Fwd: [NRW Info] Fwd: [pp-eu] Apply now as a candidate for the board of the Pirate Party Europe

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: "Melanie Kern" <melkalkowski AT web.de>
  • To: "Mailingliste zur Koordination der Kreis Recklinghausen Piraten" <nrw-kreis-recklinghausen AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: [Kreis-RE] Fwd: [NRW Info] Fwd: [pp-eu] Apply now as a candidate for the board of the Pirate Party Europe
  • Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2015 12:43:46 +0200
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/nrw-kreis-recklinghausen>
  • List-id: Mailingliste zur Koordination der Kreis Recklinghausen Piraten <nrw-kreis-recklinghausen.lists.piratenpartei.de>

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit WEB.DE Mail gesendet.

Florian Wagner <f.wagner@piratenpartei-nrw.de>schrieb:

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [pp-eu] Apply now as a candidate for the board of the Pirate Party Europe
Datum: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 23:16:16 +0200
Von: Thomas Gaul <thomas.gaul AT piratenpartei.de>
Antwort an: EU Election coordination group <pp-eu AT lists.pp-international.net>
An: pp-leaders AT lists.pp-international.net, pp-eu.council AT lists.pp-international.net, 'EU Election coordination group' <pp-eu AT lists.pp-international.net>, pp.international.general AT lists.pirateweb.net

Being the messenger, please read the following,  best regards, Thomas:



On the 17,07,/ 18,07,2015 the Board of the European Pirate Party (PPEU) in
Brussels / Belgium shall be renewed. [1] [2]

For these reasons we are looking  for candidates of the Pirate Party Germany
for the PPEU board seats wishing to be nominated by us.

- 1 Chairperson
- 2 Vice-chairpersons
- 1 Treasurer
- 5 Members of Board without an appointed office

Unfortunately, there is a very short deadline for applications. This will
end on Tuesday, 16/06/2015 at 19:30 clock.

The nomination will be decided on the same day from 20.00 hours in the NRW
Mumble by the German delegation. Thus, you will as a candidate, be available
in the session for any questions. Decisions will be discussed in
participation of international coordination of the German delegates:

- Jens Stomber
- Andreas Spies, MdA
- Thomas Gaul
- Gregory Engels.

The  application is not bound by your membership of the Pirate Party
Germany. As long as you are Member of the other Member parties of PPEU,  you
are free to apply. Please expect that your membership of another  party will
be reviewed.

An important prerequisite for the application as a candidate is the
proficiency in English both spoken  and written in an appropriate form.
There is no demand for perfect  Oxford English.

Please submit your application in English under:

Alternatively, write your application to international AT piratenpartei.de, we
will supplement the wiki page with your application even shortly before the
crucial meeting.

Should you have any questions, please write to: international@
piratenpartei.de  or call: +49 152 33 92 27 26.

For more information about the PPEU please look at the following links  [4],

Thanks in advance for your application.

For a good international cooperation at European level!

For the Federal Board - Pirate Party of Germany

Carsten Sawosch 

[2] http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/PPEU#Aktueller_Status
[3] http://europeanpirateparty.eu/index.php/members/
[4] http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=european_pirate_party
[5] http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=statutes:final

pp-eu mailing listpp-eu AT lists.pp-international.nethttp://lists.pp-international.net/listinfo/pp-eu

-- NRW-Info mailing list NRW-Info AT lists.piratenpartei.de https://service.piratenpartei.de/listinfo/nrw-info https://wiki.piratenpartei.de/NRW-Web:HowTos/NRW-Info

  • [Kreis-RE] Fwd: [NRW Info] Fwd: [pp-eu] Apply now as a candidate for the board of the Pirate Party Europe, Melanie Kern, 12.06.2015

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