it-securitynotifies AT
Betreff: Sicherheitsankündigungen
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31 Mails
Chronologisch Thread << < Seite 1 / 2 > >>
- [IT-SecNots] pinjaman uang, Nurul Anwar, 01.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3658-1] libidn security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 01.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] Looking for a new maintainer for the Quagga routing suite, Christian Brunotte, 02.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3653-2] flex security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 04.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3659-1] linux security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 04.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3660-1] chromium-browser security update, Michael Gilbert, 06.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3661-1] charybdis security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 06.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Flag Lists - Moderately Critical - Cross Site Scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2016-051, security-news, 07.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] CiviCRM Security Release (4.6.21, 4.7.11) - Multiple advisories, CiviCRM, 08.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3662-1] inspircd security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 08.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3663-1] xen security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 09.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3664-1] pdns security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 10.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3665-1] openjpeg2 security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 11.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] The Wearable Technology Ecosystem: 2016 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts (Report), Andy Silva, 13.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3666-1] mysql-5.5 security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 14.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3667-1] chromium-browser security update, Michael Gilbert, 15.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3668-1] mailman security update, Thijs Kinkhorst, 15.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3669-1] tomcat7 security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 15.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3670-1] tomcat8 security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 15.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [announce] Release Notes: OTRS 5 Patch Level 13, OTRS::ITSM Module 5 Patch Level 13, OTRS Survey 5 Patch Level 2, OTRS TimeAccounting 5 Patch Level 4, OTRS MasterSlave 5 Patch Level 3, Goran Pismestrovic, 20.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3671-1] mutt security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 20.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Drupal Core - Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2016-004, security-news, 21.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3672-1] irssi security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 21.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3673-1] openssl security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 22.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3674-1] firefox-esr security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 22.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3675-1] imagemagick security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 23.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3673-2] openssl regression update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 23.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] has received bounces from you, Debian Listmaster Team, 24.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3677-1] libarchive security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 25.09.2016
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 3678-1] python-django security update, Florian Weimer, 26.09.2016
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