it-securitynotifies AT
Betreff: Sicherheitsankündigungen
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40 Mails
Chronologisch Thread << < Seite 1 / 2 > >>
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2868-1] php5 security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 02.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2869-1] gnutls26 security update, Yves-Alexis Perez, 03.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-029 - Mime Mail - Access Bypass, security-news, 05.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-028 - Masquerade - Access bypass, security-news, 05.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-027 - NewsFlash Theme - XSS, security-news, 05.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2870-1] libyaml-libyaml-perl security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 08.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2871-1] wireshark security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 10.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2872-1] udisks security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 10.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [MediaWiki-announce] Pre-release announcement for MediaWiki releases 1.22.4, 1.21.7, 1.19.13, Mark A. Hershberger, 11.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2873-1] file security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 11.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [MediaWiki-announce] MediaWiki releases 1.22.4, 1.21.7, and 1.19.13, Mark A. Hershberger, 12.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2874-1] mutt security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 12.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2875-1] cups-filters security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 12.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2876-1] cups security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 12.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-030 - SexyBookmarks - Information Disclosure, security-news, 12.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-031 - Webform Template - Access Bypass, security-news, 12.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2877-1] lighttpd security update, Michael Gilbert, 13.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2878-1] virtualbox security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 13.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2879-1] libssh security update, Raphael Geissert, 13.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2880-1] python2.7 security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 17.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2881-1] iceweasel security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 19.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-032 - Xapian integration - Access Bypass, security-news, 19.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2014-033 - Nivo Slider - Cross Site Scripting, security-news, 19.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2859-2] pidgin security update, Raphael Geissert, 19.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2882-1] extplorer security update, Giuseppe Iuculano, 20.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2883-1] chromium-browser security update, Michael Gilbert, 24.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2873-2] file regression update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 24.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [MediaWiki-announce] Pre-release announcement for MediaWiki releases 1.22.5, 1.21.8, and 1.19.14, Markus Glaser, 25.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2884-1] libyaml security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 26.03.2014
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 2885-1] libyaml-libyaml-perl security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 26.03.2014
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