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berlin-squad-sozialpiraten - [Berlin-squad-sozialpiraten] Fw: [RED] Wichtig !! BGE Stimmen morgen?

berlin-squad-sozialpiraten AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Berlin-squad-sozialpiraten mailing list


[Berlin-squad-sozialpiraten] Fw: [RED] Wichtig !! BGE Stimmen morgen?

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: "Robert Ulmer" <robert.ulmer AT gmx.de>
  • To: "Sozialpiraten Squad Berlin" <berlin-squad-sozialpiraten AT lists.piratenpartei.de>, ini-bge AT googlegroups.com
  • Subject: [Berlin-squad-sozialpiraten] Fw: [RED] Wichtig !! BGE Stimmen morgen?
  • Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 13:38:16 +0100 (CET)
  • Importance: normal
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/berlin-squad-sozialpiraten>
  • List-id: <berlin-squad-sozialpiraten.lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Sensitivity: Normal

Robert Ulmer
Malplaquetstraße 7
13347 Berlin

030 - 455 87 33
0176 - 6613 8523
Gesendet: Sonntag, 05. Januar 2014 um 19:52 Uhr
Von: rblaschke AT aol.com
An: nwr AT grundeinkommen.de, red AT grundeinkommen.de
Betreff: [RED] Wichtig !! BGE Stimmen morgen?
-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: Otto Lüdemann <otto.luedemann AT googlemail.com>
Verschickt: So, 5 Jan 2014 5:52 pm
Betreff: Fwd: BGE Stimmen nächste Woche?

Liebe Freunde, 
Eben habe ich von Koen van Halen,  einem unserer Gewährsleute für die Europäische Bürgerinitiative zum Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen in den Niederlanden, die glaubhafte Information erhalten, dass die Internet-Kampagnen-Organisation AVAAZ tatsächlich bereit sein wird, noch in letzter Minute unsere Initiative durch eine eigene europaweite AVAAZ-Kampagne zu unterstützen (siehe Mail unten). Voraussetzung ist, dass die über den folgenden Link zugängliche spezielle AVAAZ-Testkampagne in den nächsten beiden Tagen auf 20.000 Unterzeichnungen kommt.  
Unterzeichnet also bitte nach Möglichkeit auf jeden Fall bei dieser Testkampagne, auch und gerade wenn Ihr vermutlich unsere Bürgerinitiative im letzten Jahr schon mal unterschrieben habt. DIESE UNTERSCHRIFT IST VON UNSERER INITIATIVE UNABHÄNGIG UND FÜHRT IM ERFOLGSFALL (= 20.000 Unterschriften) LEDIGLICH DAZU, DASS AVAAZ DANN SEINE EIGENE ENTSCHEIDENDE EUROPAWEITE KAMPAGNE MIT DEN "AVAAZ-MITGLIEDERN" ALS ADRESSATEN LANCIEREN WIRD. Erst darin würde zur Unterzeichnung unserer EBI aufgefordert, und das könnte dann durchaus in den letzten Tagen der Kampagne noch zu mehreren Hunterttausend Unterschriften für unsere EBI führen.  
Leitet also bitte diese Info an so viele Freunde und Bekannte wie möglich weiter, von denen Ihr glaubt, dass Sie für die Idee des BGE offen sind.  Nutzt dafür gerne Textbausteine aus dieser Mail. Habt bitte Verständnis, wenn diese Info Euch aufgrund ihrer Tragweite und des bestehenden Zeitdrucks mehrfach erreichen sollte. Mehrfach-Unterzeichnungen bei der Testkampagne 
sind natürlich sinnlos. 
Otto Lüdemann
Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
Von: "K. van Haalen" <k.vanhaalen AT gmail.com>
Betreff: Aw: BGE Stimmen nächste Woche?
Datum: 5. Januar 2014 16:37:29 MEZ
Dear Mr Lüdemann,
Avaaz was already cooperating, but it is still unsure whether or not they will help us by emailing our campaign out to millions of people. Thanks for offering your help, we can definitely use it! Specifically with 2 things right now, that will help us make the collaboration with Avaaz successful:

1) we need as many of our supporters to sign the new Avaaz petition (https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/our_chance_to_end_poverty/) as possible. We should get to 20.000 in the next 2 days.
2) any arguments you have for why Avaaz involvement (in the form of a massive email campaign) will directly and in a concrete way lead to us achieving our goals. Our main argument so far revolves around the fact that MEP's told us that getting the ECI signature quota in key countries would make it likely that at least part of our proposal will be acted upon, based on resolutions adopted by the EP in 2010.
I've included some text that was posted on Facebook that might give you a better idea of were we stand right now.
Kind regards,

We need your help now -- the next 48 hours are crucial!

*What can YOU do?*
Sign and share the Avaaz Community petition in the post in the link below immediately, and help us make it reach as many people as possible. Share the post with your friends and family, on national UBI pages, in any FB group that might be sympathetic to our cause and anywhere else you can think of. Ask anyone you know who has already signed the ECI to also sign this one. For now, share the post in the link, not a direct link to the petition yet. 

In the past couple of weeks we have been working together with Avaaz.org staff to create a parallel petition to promote UBI. If this is rolled out over a European-wide campaign, it will gather over 500.000 supporters and it will help us reach the quota for ECI signatures in almost every European country. And the “icing on the cake” is: this Avaaz petition (in a modified form) will give us a good platform that we can use to continue the fight for what we all believe in after January 14th.

A campaign will get emailed out to millions of Avaaz members if it meets the following three criteria:
1) A large majority of Avaaz members must care about the issue and agree with the proposed solution (Avaaz works as a democracy) and it must be likely that the petition will reach its signature target; 
2) It must be clear that the petition will effect concrete change when successful;
3) It must have the best performance when compared to other eligible campaigns (Avaaz tests a couple of campaigns every week, but only one makes it…);

We have already taken care of (1) through testing and we are working on convincing Avaaz of (2). If we can get the Avaaz Community Petition in the link above to gather a lot of signatures in the next couple of days, it would strengthen our case enormously -- and this is where you come in.

Sign the Avaaz petition and share it as often as you can, in all the places you can think of. For now it’s best to share the post in the link above, because we have to wait until Monday or Tuesday for Avaaz staff to put a link to the ECI in the petition (we can’t do this ourselves, unfortunately). Ask anyone you know who has already signed the ECI to also sign the Avaaz petition.

FB Country admins:
1) please share the post in the link above on the wall of your national UBI pages. Feel free to add something in your own language, but leave the text accompanying the image intact. Tip: highlight this post to make it stand out;
2) post a second message on the wall of your national UBI pages using the text of the post you’re reading now (minus this paragraph!). Tip: pin this post to the top of the page for a couple of days, so that all the supporters know what’s happening and we can call on them to sign and help us share;
3) also share post (2) with information to the UBI Facebook groups of your country so that all the volunteers also know what to do, and consider pinning it to the top of the page there as well.

We have 10 days left, so now is the time to give it our all. Let's work together to get the word out, and come a little bit closer to building the world we're all dreaming off.
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Otto Lüdemann <otto.luedemann AT googlemail.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Koen van Halen,

Robin Ketelaars told me just that AVAAZ has finally accepted to cooperate with our ECI for UBI. Can we do anything  to make this cooperation as successful as possible?

Thanks in advance for giving us some more details.

Otto Lüdemann

robin ketelaars <orthelius AT gmail.com>
Ja otto. Avaaz ist mit uns... frage weiteren details an unsere Koen

Otto Lüdemann +49 40 648 24 64 / otto.luedemann AT gmail.com

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Otto Lüdemann +49 40 648 24 64 / otto.luedemann AT gmail.com
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  • [Berlin-squad-sozialpiraten] Fw: [RED] Wichtig !! BGE Stimmen morgen?, Robert Ulmer, 06.01.2014

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