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ag-meinungsfindungstool - Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Abschied

ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list


Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Abschied

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: janonymous <janonymous AT news.piratenpartei.de>
  • To: ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de
  • Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Abschied
  • Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:29:42 +0000
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-meinungsfindungstool>
  • List-id: <ag-meinungsfindungstool.lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Organization: Newsserver der Piratenpartei Deutschland - Infos siehe: http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Syncom/Newsserver

PS @Scott

"Accept dissent, and assume that decisions will not be reached
through consensus."

First, I do not have to accept dissent, when the preconditions of the opinion forming are characterised by misinformation, conditioned reactions, egocentric motivs or manipulation and when the process of judgement is obviously biased by contrast effects or other perceptual biases.

This is in line with the challenge to support an unbiased and self determined judgement in order to empower people to participate in self organized collective decision making.

Second, if you really think in such a black-white manner that decisions will not reached by consensus, you are in dissent with you own attempts to stop authoritarian rule making. So perhaps, you should evaluate your own inner dissent (or cognitive dissonance) a little more to reach an authentic argumentation here.

Good luck!

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