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ag-meinungsfindungstool - Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish

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Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <abd AT lomaxdesign.com>
  • To: "Paul Nollen" <paul.nollen AT skynet.be>, "Metagovernment Project" <start AT metagovernment.org>, "Kristofer Munsterhjelm" <km_elmet AT lavabit.com>
  • Cc: Meinungsfindungstool <ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de>, Votorola <votorola AT zelea.com>, Comunicación <pdi-comunicacion AT googlegroups.com>, Election Methods <election-methods AT lists.electorama.com>, Start/Metagov <start AT metagovernment.org>, AG Liquid Democracy <ag-liquid-democracy AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish
  • Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 13:25:29 -0500
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-meinungsfindungstool>
  • List-id: <ag-meinungsfindungstool.lists.piratenpartei.de>

At 03:58 AM 3/18/2013, Paul Nollen wrote:
Liquid democracy is tested for many years in every big (and small) corporation. It is unthinkable that shareholders have the obligation to give their voice for more than one General assembly to anyone. Every shareholder can vote for himself or appoint a representative at his choice only for that dedicated General Assembly. This system of "liquid democracy" is proven over many years all around the world.
It is only in politics that voters are forced to give a mandate for many years for decissions unknown.

Close, but not quite. Liquid Democracy is Delegable Proxy. What has been tested is direct proxy. I have often proposed that shareholders could build a delegable proxy structure that advises shareholders about how to designate their proxies, but that structure would not run a "majority vote" to designate a single representative to exercise all the proxies, though certainly shareholders could then choose to name that proxy.

However, the *corporation* is not going to acknowledge delegable proxy, it is only going to respect actual signed proxy designations by the shareholders.

That is, to apply this to Demoex, the corporation of the Town is going to allow representation on the Council when members of Demoex *actually* vote for the party. But this is not the delegable proxy concept, there is no delegation, so it is not "Liquid Democracy," in fact, on the public recognition side.

Back to that shareholder FA/DP organization. Through its own structure, it would develop recommendations to shareholders, and these would be accepted by the proxies or not. Any proxy could recommend something different than the majority vote.

The more actual proxies designated, the more must attend the Annual Meeting of the corporation. There is a natural balance, and cooperation to share representation is thus encouraged (as well as "natural competition," i.e, the continued availability of free choice). What I'd expect is that most shareholders would *actually be represented*, but some not, because they failed to designate a proxy who actually will attend, and they did not attend themselves.

Proxies in corporations are generally allowed to vote as they see fit, based on participation in the Annual Meeting. They are assignments of a power of attorney, and for a client to designate a proxy upon an agreement to vote only in a certain way is foolish. No, trust the proxy, or don't name him or her!

Demoex is, in my view, both a success and a failure. And we need to see what worked and what did not work.

Paul, it looks like you are defending Demoex, using arguments designed for people who are completely unsophisticated about delegable proxy. I've been working on the concepts for over thirty years, and I've been in good communication with Michael Nordfors, who may have been responsible for the initial usage of delegable proxy by Demoex. But Demoex focused on a more traditional party structure, and the principle of election by majority and choice by a majority (which is the norm, business-as-usual, for many political parties). Single-winner, in practice. Demoex, then, particularly because it runs against them, is perceived by other parties as a competitor, not a partner.

If Demoex supporters *really* want to promote liquid democracy and wide public participation, they must abandon this attitude, it will keep Demoex small and ineffective.

Demoex did not distinguish between its own structure and that of a political party, a player in the political scene. The classic Free Association way to handle the problem is to create separate organizations -- or to utilize existing ones. So, given Demoex, conceived as a structure that purely facilitates public discussion on issues, with polling, using delegable proxy to create results expandable intelligently beyond the views of the actual immediate participants, using a proxy structure and other member information, but that does not itself *make a decision* where controvery remains, then a *separate political party* could be created if the existing parties did not serve the purpose.

In the environment of the Swedish town, creating a new party is relatively simple, which is why Demoex was successful in gaining representation on the Town Council. They only needed to get something short of 2% of the vote. In most places, that level of success would represent failure, it would be moot.

(But if the party polls significantly in the public election, a party representative would have some level of clout in negotiating with other politicians. To be effective at this, though, the representative must have the ability to believably promise election support. Hence, to be powerful, the Demoex party would need to give up running its own competing candidate. It could effectively endorse more than one candidate, so what would be promised, in negotiations, would be not to *oppose* the candidate. But it Demoex cannot *control* its members, it can only advise them.

But the political party is *not* Demoex, and, really, it should not even have the Demoex name, implying that Demoex "endorses" it, because, then, Demoex is functioning as an opponent of the other parties. Not good. Creating input into *all parties* should be a Demoex goal. Inviting and encouraging participation in Demoex by supporters of all parties should be a Demoex goal. Demoex itself should never endorse *any outside enterprise,* and that would certainly include a political party that Demoex members create.

(I'm distinguishing here between a Demoex endorsement and the results of a Demoex poll. Those polls only measure the status of covered issues as seem, at the time, by members. They don't create a "Demoex position.")

Rather, lets call this party the Advised Party, the Listening Party, or something like that. And this party would, through its own process, as advised by the Demoex discussions and polls, nominate candidates. Those candidates would not be pledged to vote in any particular way, just as the members of any political party are not personally bound by party dictates. If they reject party advice, they are subject to withdrawal of party endorsement, that's all. What they would pledge is to *respect and consider* Demoex results. Essentially, they would be promising to be *advised* by the people, through Demoex. That's all. They would be, in the end, responsible to those voters who support them, and those voters may themselves be advised by Demoex. Other Demoex members may decide to support other parties, and may or may not obtain similar assurances from other party nominees. Why not?

Through means like this, Demoex could end being a major force for participatory democracy. The Listening Party might fade away, or it might grow, and it really would not matter. The Listening Party is only needed when others don't listen.

Demoex got up to better than 2%, but then dropped back to the level of vote in the original Demoex election. The Swedish Democrats passed them up in the last election, apparently. Demoex is at the bottom, any more loss of vote could result in loss of reprsentation. It is *crucial* for the survival of Demoex that it expand its base. It can try to do that as a competitor, but the constant temptation will be to ride on certain issues, and those will be divisive.

No, Demoex should have a single purpose, I'd suggest to increase free and broad participation in democracy. If Demoex identifies *enemies* and acts to discredit and disempower them, as itself, as the Demoex organization, it will divide the electorate into supporters and opponents, which will effectively be supporters and opponents of Demoex. It may win some battles, but it will lose others, and the losses have the potential to destroy the organization.

If Demoex confines itself to Free Association characteristics, design to encourage unity and cooperation, there will be some people who will still oppose it, but Demoex will never identify and proclaim these people as enemies, and it will, in fact, remain open to their participation. Since anyone can participate through a proxy, there is almost no cost to participation. There is no "endorsement of any outside cause" -- other than that of participation.

(An FA *can* limit participation, but it prefers -- greatly -- to avoid that, and real FAs don't officially ban anyone from the organization, only from specific, disruptive participation, and that's not centralized. So sock puppets might be *identified* but not necessarily banned. Someone who uses sock puppets would be known as such, and poll analysts could easily use this information. A great deal of this free flowing information might be untrustworty, but ... the delegable proxy structure is a structure built on mutual trust -- as I design it. Proxies can decide to trust certain lists, which might even be hosted off of FA web sites. However, since the FA is not going to make controversial decisions, people shoot themselves in the foot by attempting to abuse the system. It will be visible, and that is precisely why, while an FA may take advantage of software system, it doesn't *depend* on them. What is really created in an FA/DP system is a *real network of trust,* documented. Anyone can use the raw delegations for poll analysis. Or can decide to trust some piece of software. Anyone can check the results of software analysis (unless it uses private data, and the acceptance of that is up to the advisee.)

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