ag-meinungsfindungstool AT
Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list
- From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <abd AT>
- To: Kristofer Munsterhjelm <km_elmet AT>, AG Liquid Democracy <ag-liquid-democracy AT>,PDI Comunicación <pdi-comunicacion AT>, Election Methods <election-methods AT>, Start/Metagov <start AT>, AG Meinungsfindungstool <ag-meinungsfindungstool AT>, Votorola <votorola AT>
- Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish
- Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 15:27:46 -0500
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: <>
At 04:16 AM 3/14/2013, Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:
On 03/13/2013 05:09 AM, Michael Allan wrote:
If the experts in the Election Methods list can't find a serious fault
with this method, then it might be possible to bring down the party
system in as little as a few years. Mind you, it would be no bad
thing if it took a while longer, given the disruption it might cause.
Regarding liquid democracy methods in general, I think the vote-buying problem is pretty serious. Or rather, that's not the worst part of it, but it's a symptom of a more general aspect.
Kristofer is asseting as a serious problem something on which there is zero experience. It's not clear that "vote-buying" is *ever* a serious problem. A system that seeks broad consensus, where possible, is only "vulnerable" to *truly massive vote-buying," where it is more like "negotiation" than "vote buying." I.e., Walmart will donate $100,000 to the town if voters allow a store to be sited there. Much more likely to be successful than trying to pay voter $100 or whatever and run legal risks.
First of all, Kristoger is assuming exercise of power through delegable proxy. I don't recommend it for that, not without substantial experience first. I recommend it for *advisory structures.* Advice *can* be powerful, but with advice, created by -- and validated or transmitted through proxies, who can advise differently than the "majority," there is essentially no danger of vote-buying, I covered this years ago, the buyer, would, at great expense, end up with a mouthful of hair. Most likely. We can't say "impossible" to anything.
This general aspect is that the network of delegation can't decide when the power vested in a person is sufficiently great that he should be public, and conversely, when the voters have sufficiently little power that they should be anonymous.
I've made two proposals: first, delegable proxy in NGOs, advisory in nature. I strongly recommend that all proxy assignments in this organization be public.
The other proposal is for NGOs and for governmental organizations, running public elections, and that's Asset Voting. There is a tweak for what I've called "difficult situations," meaning places and circumstances where an isolated individual with certain views might be in physical danger, but Asset Voting, I generally assume, does have a secret ballot input. The *electors* empowered by this election would, I assume, vote publically, except under very unusual and very dangerous situations. These situations do not exist in major democracies.
(And there are ways to address this issue, but they complicate matters greatly. I don't recommend anything but electors being public voters, under ordinary circumstances. Note that I've lived in a small town meeting town, and how citizens vote on issues before the Town Meeting is very visible. And, yes, it can take courage to confront a fake consensus; basically you need to know what's real, and one of the things that an FA/DP organization that is *not* "in control" can do is to measure consensus. And it can do it with process that is largely hidden, i.e., is only direct communication between proxies and clients.)
Intuitively, for proxies with great power, the need for transparency outweighs the repercussions of doing so, while for individual voters the opposite is the case. But the voting method has no way of knowing where one changes into the other.
Beyond a possible initial assignment of voting power through Asset Voting, I *highly recommend* total transparency, while not preventing or even discouraging private discussion between willing participants.
What I expect would naturally arise when there are large numbers of voters, and no inhibition on candidate numbers, is that the number of *initial voters* per candidate will stabilize at a ratio of voters/elector that optimizes communication efficiency, generally. Some voters with low interest might add to that, without increasing communication burden on the elector. You get what you pay for.
Thus there seems to be two standard solutions. The first is to keep everything private, and the second is to keep everything public.
And the hybrid, where initial assignments are secret. For FA/DP organizations that, as Free Associations, do not collect and exercise power by majority vote, but operate to structure and negotiate and collect and report on consensus, I *highly* recommend that it all be public, within the organization. I.e., any recognized member may access the proxy table.
It's essential for the most efficient and effective communication model.
The first is rather more difficult than the second, since one has to know something about the proxies in order to subscribe to them; and neither is really desirable.
Open is highly desirable.
Imagine an open system. Not *everything* is open. There is a web site, say. There are rules for registration, these are essentially membership rules. In a pure FA, membership is by declaration, and "expulsion" is somewhere between rare and nonexistent. However, *participation* in particular structures might be restricted as needed. (Those who are restricted would have alternate avenues for expression.)
On that web site, anyone willing to serve as a proxy sets a bit indicating that. On the web site, there are discussions under way, some discussions are totally public, some are moderated -- but there may be large numbers of "moderators," able to approve posts. People can see the discussion of other members, but, if this is an organizaiton with local meetings, people can also meet others face-to-face.
The web site does not display direct contact information (though individual members may put up their own direct contact information, if they choose.)
However, there is a direct proxy nomination process. A registered member designates somone as a proxy, and an email or text message is sent to the nominee. The proxy is not considered effective unless acknoowledged. The nomination provides direct contact information for the nominator to the nominee. Who may negotiate, then, acceptance, or simply accept. Accepting will automatically provide direct contact information for the nominee to the nominator. So an accepted proxy represents two people who have the option of direct, independent communication, either in person, or on the phone, or by email, or the like, and I'd expect proxies to generally set up mailing lists for their clients. Which they would moderate.
I conceived of delegable proxy as setting up networks of mutual trust. That is, in my view, crucial for the idea to work as powerfully as possible.
While this can be done with secret systems, there then needs to be "watchers," secure software, the whole nine yards. And secrecy inhibits communication.
Consider that I have something to say to a VIP, who has joined the FA/DP organization. There s/he is, on the membership roster. But s/he hasn't volunteered to serve as proxy, or ... has volunteered, but has a message that s/he is not accepting clients. So, I can look for two other channels to communicate with him/her. I can look for someone who has named him or her as a proxy, if that's been done, or I can look for the person s/he has named.
I can analyze the proxy table and look for a communications path between someone in one of their "natural caucuses" and someone in a natural caucus of my own. So I can find someone with access to this person, and I can communicate with *that person.* Not necessarily directly.
Yes, the person I'm trying to reach could be the President of the United States. And the proxy netword filters traffic.
It is that filtering function that could allow FA/DP organizations to beat the "Problem of Scale in Democracy." And then these organizations can *advise* individuals and traditional organizations. The DP network, created as I described, involves a "concentration of trust." Not of power, in an FA. The distinction is crucial, it is, in fact, the old separation of the judicial and executive functions.
I should clarify that vote-buying is only one side of the transparency/anonymity problem. If you have a version where everything is public, then vote-buying is not the only weakness. There could also be vote coercion ("subscribe to this proxy or else") or small-town effects (try being a liberal proxy in a particularly conservative town in the Deep South).
Again, the criticism is largely invented. If it's an FA, and someone coerces you, you have options. Besides being a crime, you can easily just go along with it, and make a note to yourself that whatever advice this person gives you, it's probably the opposite of what you want to do. If they can coerce your "proxy assignment," which is worth very little, and is created at great legal risk, they they could also take your money, your property, and about anything else.
No, these questions arise in attempts to use delegable proxy for *public exercise of power.* In public elections, any kind of vote coercion, even vote-buying, is generally very illegal. And easy to investigate and prosecute, if the target complains.
Under "difficult conditions," I've proposed schemes whereby electors pre-designate alternates with registration, so that if anyone gets less than N votes (like 2 might be adequate, or more, under some circumstances), their vote is transferred automatically and not reported publically. So they don't know if they got (with N=2) one vote or none. So they don't know if any particular individual did not vote for them.
But this is all imagining a problem and calling it "serious" that may not exist at all.
Now, some people say that this isn't a problem, and more broadly that complete disclosure is no problem. I've had that discussion on EM before, and I know of people who think that, more broadly, Brin's "Transparent Society" would be a good thing. Both from small-town effects[1] and from vote-buying, I disagree.
The small-town effect has been exaggerated. Again, the distinct problems of public elections, where direct power is being assigned, and the naming of an advisor in an advisory association, are being confused. They need to be distinguished, because they have distinct solutions, if the problem arises.
If you live in such a small town, you will need to know where it is safe to express your real views, or you are *in trouble* and it has nothing to do with the voting system.
By the way, in an FA/DP organization, measures can be taken to protect member identity. Wikipedia went to an extreme on this; they never should have allowed secret administrators, people with the power to block and ban and censor. But for general membership, it may have been a decent idea.
It is possible to set up secret polling, as well, in an FA/DP organization. FAs can do all kinds of things that are more dangerous in power structures.
In power structures, then, what is at stake makes the effort of securing the voting process worthwhile. And we do know, generally, how to do that, even though it's not always done.
Risk, then, with a public process -- and Asset was designed for public process -- is confined to those who voluntarily take on the risk by declaring themselves as electors (i.e, as "candidates," but Asset actually creates electors, not necessarily "winners," directly.)
And *then* the electors know what they are getting into. They will be voting *publically.* There is no other way to ensure the security of the system and its relative immunity to corruption.
Again, it's *possible* to do it secretly, but ... what, exactly is being protected that is worth the very substantial risk of corruption of the system.
If only one could solve this problem, liquid democracy could be really good.
While the "problem" might be real in some sense, there is no clue that in any related activity, it's been a real problem. Where it is, measures can be taken.
I imagine it would be possible with judicious use of crypto, but that would obscure the system quite a bit. You'd also have to code into the system the "sorites" decision of where power becomes great enough that transparency outweighs privacy.
And then, you have to trust the programmers and administrators of the system, and you have *no way to check.*
While clever schemes can be devised which *might work*, again, what *exactly* is the problem? Just asserting it as a general problem, when, under most conditions, it is no problem at all, is counterproductive.
There has only been one Asset election that we know of, the election of a 3-person steering committee for the Election Science Foundation, a few years back. 17 voters. The second-largest vote getter was Clay Shentrup. The only candidate with a quota, directly, was me, and I had enough votes to create another seat for Warren Smith (the third-largest). So how would vote buying and coercion apply in this real situation?
What, Clay would threaten me? Clay didn't even talk to me! Rather, within a day or so, he made his decision: he transferred his votes to create the third seat. This is the kind of thing Asset can do. This move was completely unexpected. It was unpredictable from the votes themselves. (Clay is now on the Board of the Center for Election Science, last I looked, and doing a great job. My sense, back then, was that he wasn't quite ready. Maybe. I wanted to see what happened, so I waited, instead of just electing him (which was the other reasonable possibility). What he actually demonstrated was maturity and caring about the purpose of the organization, instead of personal power. In the long run, that was more important.)
[1] The "Law of Jante" is a Scandinavian term, after all. Similar things exist elsewhere, e.g. the Japanese "nail that sticks up".
Why in the world would one choose to live in a place where this was a serious problem?
In such an environment, there are limits to what one can do. Those limits are natural, i.e., don't arise merely because some election method is being used. Asset Voting is secret-ballot input, public thereafter, just as members of the Town Council of Abusiveville vote openly.
To change the abusive situation would take courage, no matter how you slice it. The equivalent would be requiring that Town Council votes be secret. After all, someone might say something nasty to a Council member! -- or worse.
People *do* say nasty things, but actual harm is rare. If Brave Disestablishmentarian is on the Council, he or she is going to need to be careful, to know when winning is possible, and possibly to abstain on certain votes. That is, if *results* matter. If what one wants is self-immolation or martyrdom, that's open as well.
If you are going to shoot the King, don't miss.
Now, if we are talking about situations where differences of opinion don't trigger people shooting each other, why should we turn a system on its head to avoid a problem that would be rare to nonexistent, and that has other solutions if it arises?
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Michael Allan, 13.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 13.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 13.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 14.03.2013
- Nachricht nicht verfügbar
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 14.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 15.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 14.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 13.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Kristofer Munsterhjelm, 14.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 15.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Kristofer Munsterhjelm, 17.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 18.03.2013
- Nachricht nicht verfügbar
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Kristofer Munsterhjelm, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 19.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] [MG] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Kristofer Munsterhjelm, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [MG] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Paul Nollen, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Kristofer Munsterhjelm, 18.03.2013
- Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] [EM] Helping the Pirate Party to vanish, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, 18.03.2013
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