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ag-meinungsfindungstool - Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] (proposal) Metagov as a technical plug-in framework

ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list


Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] (proposal) Metagov as a technical plug-in framework

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Michael Allan <mike AT zelea.com>
  • To: Start/Metagov <start AT metagovernment.org>, AG Meinungsfindungstool <ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] (proposal) Metagov as a technical plug-in framework
  • Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 03:33:34 -0500
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-meinungsfindungstool>
  • List-id: <ag-meinungsfindungstool.lists.piratenpartei.de>

Hi Marc,

> > ... Either:
> >
> > A. All documents must implement the agreed meta-data standard.
> > Non-compliant documents are eliminated. So fragmentation is
> > solved by your solution alone. Or,
> they can not benefit from the possibilities cooperation would offer
> them. So yes, if the tools wants to benefit, it needs to be able to
> migrate the data back and forth, but they will not neccessarily be
> eliminated ;o)

If not, then the outcome cannot be A. I must clarify that A and B are
alternative outcomes, alternative futures in which the fragmentation
problem raised by Ronald has been solved. If there still exist at
that time documents that are non-compliant with your solution (the
meta-data standard), then the problem could not have been solved by
that solution alone. So the outcome must be B:

> > B. Non-compliant documents may implement other, rival solutions.
> > So fragmentation is *not* solved by your solution alone. You
> > depend on the existence of other solutions.

> That's how it works today. There are dozen of tools around that all
> implement their own proprietary standards.

Again, I speak of a future in which the problem is solved. Although
there exist today *proposed* solutions (such as xDebate formats,
Outcast, Meinungsfindungstool and ODDI), we can hardly find any
implementations of them. There are maybe 2 or 3 tools compliant with
one solution or another, not dozens.

So the problem is still unsolved. We have yet to arrive at future A
or B and are still free to choose between them. What we (Conseo,
Thomas and I) propose is a step toward future B. Our proposed tool
switch will not prefer any particular solution (xDebate, Outcast,
Meinungsfindungstool, ODDI, etc) over another.

> I would prefer A. But B is even a good starting point that's worth
> proving the goal of adding benefit to those who participate. If B
> fail, A will fail also.

Your preference (again) may be based on a miscommunication. But if
you agree that a step toward B would be a good start, then all we
propose here is a mechanism for that first step.

> For me B provides the most benefit to the developers and providers
> of specific tools and solutions. And A provides the most benefit to
> the users and content contributors of the tools.
> What audience would you like to attract?

I would first ask you to clarify how A could benefit users (or anyone)
more than B. (But here too, I think it was just a miscommunication.)


marc said:
> Michael Allan wrote:
> > Ronald and Marc, (cc AG Meinungsfindungstool)
> > I roughly understand the solution (or counter-solution) you propose,
> > except in one regard. So I have a question at the end.
> > Ronald said:
> >> No, not necessarily [defragmenting the tools]... This is my
> >> proposal, how to outbalance the fragmentation of documents... We
> >> agree on a set of meta data, that the tools should support per
> >> document...
> > This sounds like "defragmented" tools to me. It's an example of that.
> > The tools are no longer disconnected fragments because they share two
> > connections: first the agreed "meta data" standard, and second, the
> > "consolidated overview" into which they are pushed or pulled. *
> That's true. At the end our working group proposes a standardized meta data
> schema to interchange data between different solutions or tools.
> Furthermore
> there is not a "consolidated overview" but defined interfaces that can be
> queried by the tool A on tool B to retrieve specific data.
> > I think we both agree (and Marc agrees) that the tools must somehow
> > (in this meaning) be defragmented. You offer a specific solution,
> > while we (Conseo, Thomas and I) do not. This raises the question of
> > how your solution relates to what we're proposing in this thread. The
> > answer hinges on how you address the problem of fragmented documents
> > that are *non-compliant* with your agreed meta-data standard. Either:
> >
> > A. All documents must implement the agreed meta-data standard.
> > Non-compliant documents are eliminated. So fragmentation is
> > solved by your solution alone. Or,
> they can not benefit from the possibilities cooperation would offer them.
> So yes, if the tools wants to benefit, it needs to be able to migrate the
> data back and forth, but they will not neccessarily be eliminated ;o)
> > B. Non-compliant documents may implement other, rival solutions. So
> > fragmentation is *not* solved by your solution alone. You depend
> > on the existence of other solutions.
> That's how it works today.
> There are dozen of tools around that all implement their own proprietary
> standards.
> > If you prefer A, then your approach to the larger problem is at odds
> > with and incompatible with what we propose in this thread. ** If you
> > prefer B, then it is compatible. Which do you prefer, A or B?
> I would prefer A. But B is even a good starting point that's worth proving
> the goal of adding benefit to those who participate.
> If B fail, A will fail also.
> > * Your solution is not entirely new, ofc. Mark Murphy proposed
> > something similar in 2007. xDebate formats (not yet published)
> > is a Semantic HTML (POSH) schemata for federated debate on
> > political issues. We discussed it with him in 2009. See:
> >
> > http://metagovernment.org/pipermail/start_metagovernment.org/2009-February/001195.html
> >
> > The broader context of that discussion was his 2008 essay in
> > Rebooting America: The "killer app" of public participation:
> > http://rebooting.personaldemocracy.com/node/5499
> You are right. There is already a lot out there! We need to connect even
> more ;o)
> > Later in 2009, Thomas was chasing the fragmentation problem
> > himself and uncovered a different solution, one that nobody ever
> > thought of before. Vote mirroring works on documents (and other
> > objects) via their popular support, not their content. But note:
> >
> > ** All we propose is a neutral tool switch that is blind to specific
> > solutions. Like the Internet, it is open to all.
> For me B provides the most benefit to the developers and providers of
> specific tools and solutions.
> And A provides the most benefit to the users and content contributors of
> the
> tools.
> What audience would you like to attract?
> Cheers
> marc

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