sg-webseite AT
Betreff: Mailingliste der SG Webseite
- From: Wolfgang Wiese <pirat AT>
- To: "sg-webseite AT" <sg-webseite AT>
- Subject: [Sg-webseite] Warungsankündigung
- Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:32:37 +0200
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: Mailingliste der SG Webseite <>
ich werde versuchen dieses Wochenende die neue Piratenkleider Version 3.2.19
Darin auch die Änderungen von Flo, die damit aktiv werden.
Änderungen seit 3.2.14:
Version 3.2.19:
* Bugfix: #178: enforce relative urls for images and make heigh relative; no
cropping for images anymore.
* Bugfix: #181 content in templates
* Bugfix: #183 Delicious-Icon
* Enhancement: more css validation; removed IE7 hacks
* Enhancement: #172 - PoliticsHead Font as default in Scapegoat
* Enhancement: Switch for setting three/two columns for startpage on big sized
screen on default stream
Version 3.2.18:
* bugfix: invalid html5 tags/properties
* bugfix: invalid css properties in scapegoat css
+ fixed typos in templates/imprint.php
+ added theme option under tab Social Media for the federated social network
Friendica in inc/constants.php
+ added function piratenkleider_html_tag_schema to inc/functions.php
+ added following microdata object types in html tag:
- WebPage
- Article
- AboutPage
- ContactPage
- Person
+ added theme option under tab Misc to assign object types AboutPage and
ContactPage to pages determined by the admin
+ added type Video for embedded videos, property: embedUrl
+ added microdata properties for object type Article: name, articleBody,
articleSection, creator, keywords, url
+ added microdata properties for object type Person: mainContentOfPage, name,
description, email, url
+ added microdata properties for object type WebPage/AboutPage/ContactPage:
mainContentOfPage, name, image, text
+ added microdata for comments meta: comment, interactionCount:
content=Usercomments, discussionUrl
+ added microdata for comments: commentText, name, commentTime, url, image
+ added HTML5 article and header-tags to comments
+ other microdata added: breadcrumb, datePublished, image,
+ added role="navigation" to main navigation in header.php
Version 3.2.17:
* Bugfix/Enhancement: New plakat sliders for brandenburg (#180)
* Typofix: Corrected spelling of ppi (#179)
* Scapegoat-Adaption: max-height instead of height at thumbnail;
text-align right for date.
Version 3.2.16:
* Bugfix: Color of headers h2/h3 in footer at subdesign Scapegoat
* Bugfix: Bannerlink Image as new thumbnail size defined with cropping
* Bugfix: More space for stickers in header on scapegoat subdesign
* Bugfix: fixed missing id on 404-page, bug id #177
Version 3.2.15:
* Optical improvements of scapegoat subdesign
- [Sg-webseite] Warungsankündigung, Wolfgang Wiese, 29.08.2014
- Re: [Sg-webseite] Warungsankündigung, Florian Wagner, 29.08.2014
- Re: [Sg-webseite] Warungsankündigung, Wolfgang Wiese, 29.08.2014
- Re: [Sg-webseite] Warungsankündigung, Wolfgang Wiese, 29.08.2014
- Re: [Sg-webseite] Warungsankündigung, Florian Wagner, 29.08.2014
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