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sg-webseite - Re: [Sg-webseite] HTTPS-Spendenseite

sg-webseite AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Mailingliste der SG Webseite


Re: [Sg-webseite] HTTPS-Spendenseite

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Jan Schejbal <jan.mailinglisten AT googlemail.com>
  • To: sg-webseite AT lists.piratenpartei.de
  • Subject: Re: [Sg-webseite] HTTPS-Spendenseite
  • Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 20:11:23 +0200
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/sg-webseite>
  • List-id: Mailingliste der SG Webseite <sg-webseite.lists.piratenpartei.de>

Am 2012-06-09 19:32, schrieb Daniel Roschka:
> Moin,
> Am Samstag, 9. Juni 2012, 19:20:23 schrieb Jan Schejbal:
>> Testen kann ich den mangels lokaler Wordpress-Install zwar nicht, aber
>> der Link den ich dir geschickt hab sollte die fertige Lösung beinhalten.
>> Das muss soweit ich weiß in die functions.php vom Theme eingebaut
>> werden, und damit sollte das Problem erledigt sein.
> functions.php der produktiven Webseite findest du anbei. Von der SG
> Webseite
> sollte sich noch mal jemand äußern, ob die identisch zu der auf staging2
> ist
> bzw. ob die dortige dann überschrieben werden kann.

Laut der Mail von Bernd gibt es genau einen Unterschied, der Themename
im Pfad in einer der letzten Zeilen der Datei.

Im Anhang die angepasste Version (basierend auf der Live-Datei die
Daniel geschickt hat), Änderung basierend auf
- ich hab is_ssl statt der hartkodierten Prüfung genommen, um Warnungen
wegen nicht gesetzter Variablen zu vermeiden.


* add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_child_theme_setup' ); * function my_child_theme_setup() { * // We are providing our own filter for excerpt_length (or using the unfiltered value) * remove_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'twentyten_excerpt_length' ); * ... * } * * * For more information on hooks, actions, and filters, see http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Starkers * @since Starkers 3.0 */ /** * Set the content width based on the theme's design and stylesheet. * * Used to set the width of images and content. Should be equal to the width the theme * is designed for, generally via the style.css stylesheet. */ if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 640; /** Tell WordPress to run twentyten_setup() when the 'after_setup_theme' hook is run. */ add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'twentyten_setup' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'twentyten_setup' ) ): /** * Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features. * * Note that this function is hooked into the after_setup_theme hook, which runs * before the init hook. The init hook is too late for some features, such as indicating * support post thumbnails. * * To override twentyten_setup() in a child theme, add your own twentyten_setup to your child theme's * functions.php file. * * @uses add_theme_support() To add support for post thumbnails and automatic feed links. * @uses register_nav_menus() To add support for navigation menus. * @uses add_custom_background() To add support for a custom background. * @uses add_editor_style() To style the visual editor. * @uses load_theme_textdomain() For translation/localization support. * @uses add_custom_image_header() To add support for a custom header. * @uses register_default_headers() To register the default custom header images provided with the theme. * @uses set_post_thumbnail_size() To set a custom post thumbnail size. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_setup() { // This theme styles the visual editor with editor-style.css to match the theme style. add_editor_style(); // This theme uses post thumbnails add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); // Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ); // Make theme available for translation // Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory load_theme_textdomain( 'twentyten', TEMPLATEPATH . '/languages' ); $locale = get_locale(); $locale_file = TEMPLATEPATH . "/languages/$locale.php"; if ( is_readable( $locale_file ) ) require_once( $locale_file ); // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location. register_nav_menus( array( 'primary' => __( 'Primary Navigation', 'twentyten' ), 'top' => __( 'Topnavigation', 'twentyten' ), 'sub' => __( 'Subnavigation', 'twentyten' ), ) ); // This theme allows users to set a custom background add_custom_background(); // Your changeable header business starts here define( 'HEADER_TEXTCOLOR', '' ); // No CSS, just IMG call. The %s is a placeholder for the theme template directory URI. define( 'HEADER_IMAGE', '%s/images/headers/path.jpg' ); // The height and width of your custom header. You can hook into the theme's own filters to change these values. // Add a filter to twentyten_header_image_width and twentyten_header_image_height to change these values. define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', apply_filters( 'twentyten_header_image_width', 960 ) ); define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', apply_filters( 'twentyten_header_image_height', 240 ) ); // We'll be using post thumbnails for custom header images on posts and pages. // We want them to be 940 pixels wide by 198 pixels tall. // Larger images will be auto-cropped to fit, smaller ones will be ignored. See header.php. set_post_thumbnail_size( HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT, true ); // Don't support text inside the header image. define( 'NO_HEADER_TEXT', true ); define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH', apply_filters( 'twentyten_header_image_width', 980 ) ); define( 'HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT', apply_filters( 'twentyten_header_image_height', 300 ) ); // Add a way for the custom header to be styled in the admin panel that controls // custom headers. See twentyten_admin_header_style(), below. add_custom_image_header( '', 'twentyten_admin_header_style' ); // ... and thus ends the changeable header business. // Default custom headers packaged with the theme. %s is a placeholder for the theme template directory URI. register_default_headers( array( 'berries' => array( 'url' => '%s/images/headers/starkers.png', 'thumbnail_url' => '%s/images/headers/starkers-thumbnail.png', /* translators: header image description */ 'description' => __( 'Starkers', 'twentyten' ) ) ) ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'twentyten_admin_header_style' ) ) : /** * Styles the header image displayed on the Appearance > Header admin panel. * * Referenced via add_custom_image_header() in twentyten_setup(). * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_admin_header_style() { ?> tag, by filtering the output of wp_title(). * * If we have a site description and we're viewing the home page or a blog posts * page (when using a static front page), then we will add the site description. * * If we're viewing a search result, then we're going to recreate the title entirely. * We're going to add page numbers to all titles as well, to the middle of a search * result title and the end of all other titles. * * The site title also gets added to all titles. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 * * @param string $title Title generated by wp_title() * @param string $separator The separator passed to wp_title(). Twenty Ten uses a * vertical bar, "|", as a separator in header.php. * @return string The new title, ready for the tag. */ function twentyten_filter_wp_title( $title, $separator ) { // Don't affect wp_title() calls in feeds. if ( is_feed() ) return $title; // The $paged global variable contains the page number of a listing of posts. // The $page global variable contains the page number of a single post that is paged. // We'll display whichever one applies, if we're not looking at the first page. global $paged, $page; if ( is_search() ) { // If we're a search, let's start over: $title = sprintf( __( 'Suchergebnisse für %s', 'twentyten' ), '"' . get_search_query() . '"' ); // Add a page number if we're on page 2 or more: if ( $paged >= 2 ) $title .= " $separator " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'twentyten' ), $paged ); // Add the site name to the end: $title .= " $separator " . get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ); // We're done. Let's send the new title back to wp_title(): return $title; } // Otherwise, let's start by adding the site name to the end: $title .= get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ); // If we have a site description and we're on the home/front page, add the description: $site_description = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' ); if ( $site_description && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) $title .= " $separator " . $site_description; // Add a page number if necessary: if ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) $title .= " $separator " . sprintf( __( 'Page %s', 'twentyten' ), max( $paged, $page ) ); // Return the new title to wp_title(): return $title; } add_filter( 'wp_title', 'twentyten_filter_wp_title', 10, 2 ); /** * Get our wp_nav_menu() fallback, wp_page_menu(), to show a home link. * * To override this in a child theme, remove the filter and optionally add * your own function tied to the wp_page_menu_args filter hook. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_page_menu_args( $args ) { $args['show_home'] = true; return $args; } add_filter( 'wp_page_menu_args', 'twentyten_page_menu_args' ); /** * Sets the post excerpt length to 40 characters. * * To override this length in a child theme, remove the filter and add your own * function tied to the excerpt_length filter hook. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 * @return int */ function twentyten_excerpt_length( $length ) { return 40; } add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'twentyten_excerpt_length' ); /** * Returns a "Continue Reading" link for excerpts * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 * @return string "Continue Reading" link */ function twentyten_continue_reading_link() { return ' ' . __( 'Weiterlesen ', 'twentyten' ) . ''; } /** * Replaces "[...]" (appended to automatically generated excerpts) with an ellipsis and twentyten_continue_reading_link(). * * To override this in a child theme, remove the filter and add your own * function tied to the excerpt_more filter hook. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 * @return string An ellipsis */ function twentyten_auto_excerpt_more( $more ) { return ' …' . twentyten_continue_reading_link(); } add_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'twentyten_auto_excerpt_more' ); /** * Adds a pretty "Continue Reading" link to custom post excerpts. * * To override this link in a child theme, remove the filter and add your own * function tied to the get_the_excerpt filter hook. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 * @return string Excerpt with a pretty "Continue Reading" link */ function twentyten_custom_excerpt_more( $output ) { if ( has_excerpt() && ! is_attachment() ) { $output .= twentyten_continue_reading_link(); } return $output; } add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'twentyten_custom_excerpt_more' ); /** * Remove inline styles printed when the gallery shortcode is used. * * Galleries are styled by the theme in Twenty Ten's style.css. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 * @return string The gallery style filter, with the styles themselves removed. */ function twentyten_remove_gallery_css( $css ) { return preg_replace( "##s", '', $css ); } add_filter( 'gallery_style', 'twentyten_remove_gallery_css' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'twentyten_comment' ) ) : /** * Template for comments and pingbacks. * * To override this walker in a child theme without modifying the comments template * simply create your own twentyten_comment(), and that function will be used instead. * * Used as a callback by wp_list_comments() for displaying the comments. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_comment( $comment, $args, $depth ) { $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment; switch ( $comment->comment_type ) : case '' : ?> id="li-comment-">
meinte am', 'twentyten' ), sprintf( '%s', get_comment_author_link() ) ); ?>
comment_approved == '0' ) : ?>
$depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] ) ) ); ?>

__( 'Sticker Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'sticker-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'sticker widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 3, located in the Teaser. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'First Teaser Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'first-teaser-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The first teaser widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 4, located in the Teaser. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Second Teaser Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'second-teaser-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The second teaser widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 5, located in the sidebar. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Sidebar Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'sidebar-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The sidebar widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 5, located in the Startpage. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'First Startpage Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'first-startpage-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The first startpage widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Second Startpage Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'second-startpage-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The second startpage widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 6, located in the Subcontent. Empty by default. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'First Subcontent Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'first-subcontent-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The first subcontent widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 7, located in the Subcontent. Empty by default. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Second Subcontent Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'second-subcontent-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The second subcontent widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 8, located in the Subcontent. Empty by default. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Third Subcontent Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'third-subcontent-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The third subcontent widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 9, located in the footer. Empty by default. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'First Footer Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'first-footer-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The first footer widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); // Area 9, located in the footer. Empty by default. register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Second Footer Widget Area', 'twentyten' ), 'id' => 'second-footer-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The second footer widget area', 'twentyten' ), 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); } /** Register sidebars by running twentyten_widgets_init() on the widgets_init hook. */ add_action( 'widgets_init', 'twentyten_widgets_init' ); /** * Removes the default styles that are packaged with the Recent Comments widget. * * To override this in a child theme, remove the filter and optionally add your own * function tied to the widgets_init action hook. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_remove_recent_comments_style() { global $wp_widget_factory; remove_action( 'wp_head', array( $wp_widget_factory->widgets['WP_Widget_Recent_Comments'], 'recent_comments_style' ) ); } add_action( 'widgets_init', 'twentyten_remove_recent_comments_style' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'twentyten_posted_on' ) ) : /** * Prints HTML with meta information for the current post—date/time and author. * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_posted_on() { printf( __( 'Veröffentlicht am %2$s ', 'twentyten' ), 'meta-prep meta-prep-author', sprintf( '%3$s', get_permalink(), esc_attr( get_the_time() ), get_the_date() ), sprintf( '%3$s ', get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ), sprintf( esc_attr__( 'View all posts by %s', 'twentyten' ), get_the_author() ), get_the_author() ) ); } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'twentyten_posted_in' ) ) : /** * Prints HTML with meta information for the current post (category, tags and permalink). * * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ function twentyten_posted_in() { // Retrieves tag list of current post, separated by commas. $tag_list = get_the_tag_list( '', ', ' ); if ( $tag_list ) { $posted_in = __( 'unter %1$s und eingeordnet unter %2$s. Hier der permanente Link zu diesem Artikel.', 'twentyten' ); } elseif ( is_object_in_taxonomy( get_post_type(), 'category' ) ) { $posted_in = __( 'unter %1$s. Hier der permanente Link zu diesem Artikel.', 'twentyten' ); } else { $posted_in = __( 'Hier der permanente Link zu diesem Artikel.', 'twentyten' ); } // Prints the string, replacing the placeholders. printf( $posted_in, get_the_category_list( ', ' ), $tag_list, get_permalink(), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); } endif; add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); function wpse38241_setup_menu() { register_nav_menu( 'main-menu', 'Main Menu' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpse38241_setup_menu' ); /** * Replaces items with '-' as title with li class="menu_separator" * * @author Thomas Scholz (toscho) */ class My_Walker_Nav_Menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu { /** * Start the element output. * * @param string $output Passed by reference. Used to append additional content. * @param object $item Menu item data object. * @param int $depth Depth of menu item. May be used for padding. * @param array $args Additional strings. * @return void */ public function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth, $args ) { if ( '-' === $item->title ) { // you may remove the
here and use plain CSS. $output .= '
'; } else { parent::start_el( &$output, $item, $depth, $args ); } } /* Klasse has_children einfuegen */ public function display_element($el, &$children, $max_depth, $depth = 0, $args, &$output){ $id = $this->db_fields['id']; if(isset($children[$el->$id])) $el->classes[] = 'has_children'; parent::display_element($el, $children, $max_depth, $depth, $args, $output); } } function get_custom_excerpt($string, $length){ $excerpt = $string; $excerpt = strip_shortcodes($excerpt); $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt); $the_str = substr($excerpt, 0, $length); return $the_str; } function short_title($after = '', $length) { $mytitle = explode(' ', get_the_title(), $length); if (count($mytitle)>=$length) { array_pop($mytitle); $mytitle = implode(" ",$mytitle). $after; } else { $mytitle = implode(" ",$mytitle); } return $mytitle; } function dimox_breadcrumbs() { $delimiter = '/'; $home = 'Startseite'; // text for the 'Home' link $before = ''; // tag before the current crumb $after = ''; // tag after the current crumb if ( !is_home() && !is_front_page() || is_paged() ) { echo '
'; global $post; $homeLink = get_bloginfo('url'); echo '' . $home . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; if ( is_category() ) { global $wp_query; $cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $thisCat = $cat_obj->term_id; $thisCat = get_category($thisCat); $parentCat = get_category($thisCat->parent); if ($thisCat->parent != 0) echo(get_category_parents($parentCat, TRUE, ' ' . $delimiter . ' ')); echo $before . 'Kategorie "' . single_cat_title('', false) . '"' . $after; } elseif ( is_day() ) { echo '' . get_the_time('Y') . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo '' . get_the_time('F') . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $before . get_the_time('d') . $after; } elseif ( is_month() ) { echo '' . get_the_time('Y') . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $before . get_the_time('F') . $after; } elseif ( is_year() ) { echo $before . get_the_time('Y') . $after; } elseif ( is_single() && !is_attachment() ) { if ( get_post_type() != 'post' ) { $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type()); $slug = $post_type->rewrite; echo '' . $post_type->labels->singular_name . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } else { $cat = get_the_category(); $cat = $cat[0]; echo get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' ' . $delimiter . ' '); echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } } elseif ( !is_single() && !is_page() && get_post_type() != 'post' && !is_404() ) { $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type()); echo $before . $post_type->labels->singular_name . $after; } elseif ( is_attachment() ) { $parent = get_post($post->post_parent); $cat = get_the_category($parent->ID); $cat = $cat[0]; echo get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' ' . $delimiter . ' '); echo '' . $parent->post_title . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( is_page() && !$post->post_parent ) { echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( is_page() && $post->post_parent ) { $parent_id = $post->post_parent; $breadcrumbs = array(); while ($parent_id) { $page = get_page($parent_id); $breadcrumbs[] = '' . get_the_title($page->ID) . ''; $parent_id = $page->post_parent; } $breadcrumbs = array_reverse($breadcrumbs); foreach ($breadcrumbs as $crumb) echo $crumb . ' ' . $delimiter . ' '; echo $before . get_the_title() . $after; } elseif ( is_search() ) { echo $before . 'Suchergebnisse für "' . get_search_query() . '"' . $after; } elseif ( is_tag() ) { echo $before . 'Artikel mit Schlagwort "' . single_tag_title('', false) . '"' . $after; } elseif ( is_author() ) { global $author; $userdata = get_userdata($author); echo $before . 'Artikel von ' . $userdata->display_name . $after; } elseif ( is_404() ) { echo $before . 'Fehler 404' . $after; } if ( get_query_var('paged') ) { if ( is_category() || is_day() || is_month() || is_year() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author() ) echo ' ('; echo __('Page') . ' ' . get_query_var('paged'); if ( is_category() || is_day() || is_month() || is_year() || is_search() || is_tag() || is_author() ) echo ')'; } echo '
'; } } if( !is_admin()){ wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_register_script('jquery', ("/wp-content/themes/piratenkleider_1_2/jquery.min.js"), false, '1.3.2'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); } add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'honor_ssl_for_attachments'); function honor_ssl_for_attachments($url) { $http = site_url(FALSE, 'http'); $https = site_url(FALSE, 'https'); return is_ssl() ? str_replace($http, $https, $url) : $url; }

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