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sg-presse - Re: [Sg-presse] Fwd: [EBI-BGE] Fwd: Letzter Zählerstand am Stichtag: 285.041


Betreff: Mailingliste der SG Bundes-PR


Re: [Sg-presse] Fwd: [EBI-BGE] Fwd: Letzter Zählerstand am Stichtag: 285.041

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: TheCitizen_de <thecitizen.de@googlemail.com>
  • To: Mailingliste der SG Presse - Diskussion <sg-presse@lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: Re: [Sg-presse] Fwd: [EBI-BGE] Fwd: Letzter Zählerstand am Stichtag: 285.041
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 09:05:09 +0100
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/sg-presse>
  • List-id: Mailingliste der SG Presse - Diskussion <sg-presse.lists.piratenpartei.de>


das was Thomas hier sagt (positive PM; erste Schritte zum Bekanntermachen eines Europäischen BGE sind geglückt; wir haben es offiziell unterstützt; weitermachen!).

Plus diese Ergänzung:
Wir haben die klare Forderung nach einem Europäischen BGE auch in unserem in Bochum beschlossenen Europawahlprogramm:

Gerade aufgrund der brutalen Austeritätspolitik in Europa, die mit Kürzungen sozialer Errungenschaften, Privatisierungen, und krasser Ungleichheit sehr viel Leid bei den Menschen verursacht - vor allem (aber nicht nur) in Südeuropa -, und gerade, weil diese Politik vor allem von Deutschland und zum Vorteil deutscher Unternehmen vorangetrieben wird, könnte das ein sehr wichtiges und gutes Thema unserer Pressearbeit sein. [Dieser Absatz kann -- umformuliert -- auch als eine Begründung in die PM übernommen werden.]



On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Thomas Küppers <thomas.kueppers@piratenpartei.de> wrote:
Hallo, gestern konnte man für die Europäische Bürgerinitiative für ein Grundeinkommen noch die letzten Stimmen abgeben. Die EBI Grundeinkommen ist nun zu Ende. Leider wurden nicht genug Stimmen erreicht (574.000). Allerdings war die EBI dennoch ein Erfolg, da dass Ziel - das Grundeinkommen in Europa bekannter zu machen - geglückt ist.

Wollen wir dazu eine PM machen? (Die EBI Grundeinkommen wurde von unserer Partei offiziell unterstützt).



-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Letzter Zählerstand am Stichtag: 285.041
Datum: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 04:34:27 +0100
Von: Basic Income Europe <basicincomeeu@gmail.com>
An: undisclosed-recipients:;

Guten Tag, liebe Grundeinkommen-Netzwerke in Deutschland,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu über 40.000 Stimmen und einem 13. Platz in Europa!
Im Folgenden senden wir Ihnen zur Kenntnisnahme die (englische) Presse-Mitteilung zum Abschluss der ECI, erstellt von Stanislas Jourdan in Kooperation mit Klaus Sambor.
An der deutschen Übersetzung arbeiten wir gerade und senden Ihnen diese zu, sobald sie fertiggestellt ist.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Manja Taylor
Networker ECI-UBI

15 January 2014

285.000 European citizens want the EC to consider Basic Income

The European Citizens Initiative (ECI) [1] for Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) [2] officially ended on Tuesday January 14th 23.59pm, after collecting at least [3] 285.000 statements of support from EU citizens in 28 countries. It did not succeed, however, in collecting the one million signatures required by the European Commission (EC) to win their consideration of UBI as a new form of ‘emancipatory welfare’.

“We would like to thank every single supporter who signed our initiative or promoted it,” said Klaus Sambor (Austria), general organizer of the European committee which coordinated this initiative in 28 European countries.

Last minute surge

During the final weeks there was a huge surge of support (see attached graph). In Bulgaria alone 30,000 signatures were collected in the last 5 days, thanks to an impressive last-minute push by Bulgaria’s leading trade union CITUB. “The case of Bulgaria reflects an overall intensification of interest in basic income leading to coverage in leading European media,” Martin Jordo (press officer, Sweden) said. Le Monde, BBC, El Mundo, Huffington Post, Al-Jazeera, RT’s Keiser Report, Portuguese and Bulgarian TV recently carried reports about unconditional basic income and this ECI for it.

While the official objective was not achieved, there are many reasons these supporters of a fairer and simpler social security system are happy. “This ECI is only the start of a European movement towards an EU-wide basic income,” said Sambor. New groups were formed in many countries to support this campaign, and existing UBI networks were strengthened by it.

“The momentum generated this year will carry on in 2014 to promote unconditional basic income,” affirmed Stanislas Jourdan, organiser of the ECI campaign in France. A new pan-European network has now formed to pursue the same objective - to promote the practicality and benefits of implementing UBI throughout Europe.
ECI process ‘too cumbersome’

The organisers do not intend to launch another ECI in 2014, however. “The current rules are too cumbersome for grass-root groups like ours,” explained Stanislas Jourdan. The organisers said they lost two months of campaigning because of troubles with the implementation of the online collection system, a result of the complicated regulations for ECIs. A request to extend this initiative was turned down by the EC, although such extensions have been allowed by the EC for other initiatives in the past.

“We may consider using the ECI again in the future if the rules are simplified, and allow better preparation for the start date,” Jourdan said, referring to the fact that the EU plans to reform the ECI process by 2015.

Plans for the future

To show the popularity of the basic income concept and to challenge the shortcomings of the ECI collection system, the organisers have now launched an online petition in collaboration with Avaaz.org, the leading political petition site in the world. This can be found at:

"We want to play by the rules of the ECI, which is supposed to allow 12 months for the organisers to collect signatures,” Koen van Haalen (online petition coordinator, Netherlands) explained. “The combined results of the two petitions will be delivered to several EU authorities and politicians to support our claim that widespread public support for UBI is emerging.” The organisers are also exploring the possibility of using the signatures collected during the ECI for a standard petition to the European Parliament.

The organisers of this ECI will launch a new European campaign before the European parliamentary elections in May. National campaigns for unconditional basic income are also set to be launched simultaneously in several countries.

Further actions will be announced on the website for the Initiative: www.basicincome2013.eu and the corresponding Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ECI.BasicIncome.
Press material and high-resolution pictures are available on these sites and can be freely used.

Press Contact
Martin Jordö
E-mail: contact@basicincome2013.eu
Mob. +46-707206001
Explanatory notes:
1) The European Citizens Initiative was set up by the Lisbon Treaty as a vehicle for giving ordinary people more of a voice at the European Commission. Each one has to collect one million verified names, addresses, and depending on the country, birthdays or National identification numbers, with at least seven countries reaching their quota of signatures set by the EC. After making an application to EC to do an ECI, the start date is set on the date the ECI is accepted by the EC, regardless of whether the complicated online collection system needed for each one has been sorted out and approved for use by the EC and verification authorities in each nation. Even paper forms were not available until the online system was sorted out. In the case of the ECI for Unconditional Basic Income, this process took over two months after the official start date.
2) Unconditional basic income is a regular, universal payment to everyone - as an individual right, without means test or the obligation to work or perform other services in return, and high enough to ensure an existence in dignity and participation in society. Supporters often cite simplicity, lack of social stigma and greater income equality in favour of UBI. Several pilot studies of the policy around the world have confirmed that UBI results in higher levels of economic activity, better nutrition and other health outcomes, and increased participation in education and community activities where it has been tried.
3) The collation and official verification of online signatures and those on paper will not be completed until mid-Febrary.

European Citizens' Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income
Stand up for Basic Income as a Human Right

EBI-BGE Mailingliste
JPBerlin - Politischer Provider

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  • Re: [Sg-presse] Fwd: [EBI-BGE] Fwd: Letzter Zählerstand am Stichtag: 285.041, TheCitizen_de, 15.01.2014

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