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rlp-info - [RLP-Info] Fwd: [PP#100109984] How to Poke a Dragon: Call to Arms for the Fight for Copyright

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Betreff: Informations-Mailingliste des Piraten-Landesverbands Rheinland-Pfalz


[RLP-Info] Fwd: [PP#100109984] How to Poke a Dragon: Call to Arms for the Fight for Copyright

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Piratenpartei RLP | Vorstand <vorstand AT piraten-rlp.de>
  • To: rlp-info AT lists.piratenpartei.de
  • Subject: [RLP-Info] Fwd: [PP#100109984] How to Poke a Dragon: Call to Arms for the Fight for Copyright
  • Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 07:42:50 +0200
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/rlp-info>
  • List-id: Informations-Mailingliste des Piraten-Landesverbands Rheinland-Pfalz <rlp-info.lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Organization: Piratenpartei

Und jeder mal schauen wie er Julia unterstützen kann.

---- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von REDA Julia OFFICE
<julia.reda-office AT europarl.europa.eu> ---

Von: REDA Julia OFFICE <julia.reda-office AT europarl.europa.eu>
An: REDA Julia OFFICE <julia.reda-office AT europarl.europa.eu>
Betreff: How to Poke a Dragon: Call to Arms for the Fight for Copyright
Datum: 2015-06-01 20:10:04

> Dear Pirate Party
> We are the organizers of the Copywrongs initiative and we need your support
> to
> prevent copyright in the EU to become more conservative than it already
> was. We
> need to have proper multi-national support for Julia Reda's Copyright
> report.
> We need your help and it's now or never. Please read and share this post:
> How to
> Poke a Dragon: Call to Arms for the Fight for Copyright
> https://discuss.pirateint.org/t/how-to-poke-a-dragon-call-to-arms-for-the-fight-for-copyright-copywrongs/121
> for more details.
> Please visit this webpage and spread the link: www.copywrongs.eu
> Follow Julia Reda on Twitter @senficon
> Follow Copywrongs on Twitter @copywrongs
> For more information on the copyright reform, Julia has been keen to update
> what's
> been going on: juliareda.eu and
> https://juliareda.eu/copyright-evaluation-report-explained/
> If you have any questions, the quickest way to get response is either via
> twitter
> or on this chatroom: https://www.hipchat.com/gn3ZLYHzc
> On behalf of the Copywrongs team and Julia Reda's office,
---- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht ---

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  • [RLP-Info] Fwd: [PP#100109984] How to Poke a Dragon: Call to Arms for the Fight for Copyright, Piratenpartei RLP | Vorstand, 03.06.2015

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