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neuss - [Neuss] Fwd: Be Proud to be a Pirate! - Pirate Party UK

neuss AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Piraten Neuss (Nordrhein-Westfalen)


[Neuss] Fwd: Be Proud to be a Pirate! - Pirate Party UK

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Mainframer <Mainframer AT web.de>
  • To: Neuss <neuss AT lists.piratenpartei.de>, NRW <nordrhein-westfalen AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: [Neuss] Fwd: Be Proud to be a Pirate! - Pirate Party UK
  • Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 02:00:26 +0200
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/neuss>
  • List-id: <neuss.lists.piratenpartei.de>

Besser hätt' ich's auch nicht sagen können


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <a.robinson AT pirateparty.org.uk>
Date: 2010/5/6
Subject: Be Proud to be a Pirate! - Pirate Party UK

Dear Pirates,

Today, there is an election. Today we can strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. Today we can show them that we will no longer sit idly by as they take away our rights, as they take away our privacy, as they force greater and greater burdens and costs on us while lining their own pockets.  Today, we show them what can be achieved by real men and women, scattered across the country, connected by technologies the other parties still struggle to understand.

For the Pirates, more than any other party, every single vote counts. It does not make much difference if Labour, Conservatives or Liberal Democrats win or lose by 5000 votes or 5001, but adding just one vote to the Pirates will really make a difference. Every extra fraction of a percentage that we get, is a fraction of a percentage more parliamentary influence that we have over the next few years. This is the first and only chance some of you may get to vote Pirate for several years, the first and only chance you will have to show the other parties that by ignoring our issues, they are losing support. Make your vote count, Vote Pirate.

Our candidates have worked long and hard to give the public a real choice, and to turn us from political newcomers into a real party with a real track record. Now it's time for you to play your part in making us a genuine political force, by going into the voting booths and making your mark on a piece of paper, and making your mark on the political landscape.

Our campaign doesn't end today, it starts today, because that's the day when we become an experienced, established political party. If you are lucky enough to have a local Pirate candidate, today you can give us the power and influence we need for the future.

Be Proud to be a Pirate!

Pirate Party UK - http://www.pirateparty.org.uk/
Unsubscribe: http://www.pirateparty.org.uk/accounts/subscriptions/unsubscribe/3dce4c3bc4770c2457c945c1a461ca5882936c90/

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