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muenster - [MS Piraten] I would be grateful for your prompt reply.

muenster AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Kreis Münster/ NRW


[MS Piraten] I would be grateful for your prompt reply.

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Mr. Farhat Wahli <Linda AT taischuh.com.tw>
  • To: "googlemail.com," <muenster AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: [MS Piraten] I would be grateful for your prompt reply.
  • Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 14:38:40 +0100

Dear Good Friend,

Compliment of the season,

I am Mr. Farhat Wahli, Director In charge of Auditing and accounting
department of Bank Of Africa, BOA, I hope that you will not betray or expose
this trust and confident that i am about to repose on you for the mutual
benefit of our both families.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of TEN MILLION FIVE
HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS ($10,550,000.00) immediately to your
account anywhere you chose.

This is a very highly secret, i will like you to please keep this proposal as
a top secret or delete it if you are not interested, upon receipt of your
reply, i will send to you more details about this business deal.

I will also direct you on how this deal will be done without any problem; you
must understand that this is 100% free from risk.

Therefore my questions are:-
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust?
If yes, get back to me immediately.

I would be grateful for your prompt reply.
Mr. Farhat Wahli.
( mr.farhatwahli AT yahoo.fr )

  • [MS Piraten] I would be grateful for your prompt reply., Mr . Farhat Wahli, 19.11.2016

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