it-securitynotifies AT
Betreff: Sicherheitsankündigungen
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4909-1] bind9 security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 01.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4910-1] libimage-exiftool-perl security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 02.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [announce]New Patches Have Been Released For OTRS, Bernd Maus, 03.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4911-1] chromium security update, Michael Gilbert, 04.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4912-1] exim4 security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 04.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4913-1] hivex security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 10.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) - Moderately critical - Information disclosure - SA-CONTRIB-2021-009, security-news, 12.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Gutenberg - Critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2021-007, security-news, 12.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Facets - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2021-008, security-news, 12.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4914-1] graphviz security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 12.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4915-1] postgresql-11 security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 13.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4916-1] prosody security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 17.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4917-1] chromium security update, Michael Gilbert, 18.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4918-1] ruby-rack-cors security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 18.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [MediaWiki-announce] MediaWiki 1.31 will soon be End-of-Life, Sam Reed, 18.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] ***SPAM*** neuen Kryptowährungsinvestmentplattform, , 20.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4919-1] lz4 security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 21.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4916-2] prosody regression update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 21.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] neuen Kryptowährungsinvestmentplattform, , 24.05.2021
- <Mögliche Wiederholung(en)>
- [IT-SecNots] neuen Kryptowährungsinvestmentplattform, , 25.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4920-1] libx11 security update, Salvatore Bonaccorso, 24.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Off Cycle Drupal Core Security Release - PSA-2021-05-25, security-news, 25.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [Security-news] Drupal core - Moderately critical - Cross Site Scripting - SA-CORE-2021-003, security-news, 27.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [MediaWiki-announce] Announcing MediaWiki 1.36.0, Sam Reed, 29.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4921-1] nginx security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 29.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4922-1] hyperkitty security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 29.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4923-1] webkit2gtk security update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 30.05.2021
- [IT-SecNots] [SECURITY] [DSA 4899-2] openjdk-11-jre-dcevm update, Moritz Muehlenhoff, 31.05.2021
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