int-koordination AT
Betreff: Internationale Koordination
- From: Thomas Gaul <thomas.gaul AT>
- To: pp-leaders AT, PPEU Board <pp-eu.board AT>, Council of the European Pirate Party <pp-eu.council AT>, PP-EU Programme development <pp-eu.programme AT>, List for international coordinators of the Pirate Parties of the EU <pp-eu.coordinators AT>, PPEU Board <pp-eu.board AT>
- Cc: Internationale Koordination <int-koordination AT>
- Subject: [Int-koordination] PPEU - We need to talk - "inclusion"
- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 20:27:09 +0200
Dear pirates,
We tried to have a meet up and discus about Inclusion today. It did not
work out for reasons we have no influence over, So we will try other
ways because Inclusion is important for Pirates. It is also important
for the United Nations as Pirates act and work globally, if you are
interested in this subject as International Pirates you can also get
involved, not only Europe.
For preparing the next round about this theme we post some short
questionnaire below to this message. It would be very kind for your
Party to answer until 2017, August 30th. Please send the filled in
questionnaire to thomas.gaul AT or as an alternative, you
might fill in at
We will come up with a new proposal for a common meeting soon.
Best regards
Mickey Sinclair Team International Coordination Germany.
and Thomas Gaul as the messenger
Short Questionnaire
Dear pirates,
We have a few questions for your Party,
1, How do you understand Inclusion?
2, How high is Inclusion on your political agenda?
what are your views and
how far is your nation with this UN charta.
4, In your political programm have you worked out a
position paper about
We would like to work on this, at European programm level so we can have
this as part of our PPEU programm, to do this we need consense on more
points of national level.
Your sincerly
Mickey Sinclair Team International Coordination Germany.
internationaler Koordinator - international Coordinator
Piratenpartei Deutschland - Pirate Party of Germany
Pflugstraße 9a, D-10115 Berlin, Germany
Vorstand: Patrick Schiffer (Vorsitzender), Carsten Sawosch
(Stellvertretender Vorsitzender), Lothar Krauß (Schatzmeister), Kristos
Thingilouthis (Politischer Geschäftsführer), Steffen Heuer
(Stellvertretender Schatzmeister), Thomas Knoblich (Amtierender
Generalsekretär), Alexander Niedermeier (Stellvertretender politischer
- [Int-koordination] PPEU - We need to talk - "inclusion", Thomas Gaul, 12.07.2017
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