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[Ag-umwelt] Fwd: [Ende Gelände] Fwd: [coal eu] Plans for mobilizations in Paris cancelled by authorities: French activists more determined than ever before to make their voices heard

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: Hanns-Jörg Rohwedder <danebod AT arcor.de>
  • To: frackingfreiernorden AT flokinet.is, initiativen-gegen-fracking AT listen.jpberlin.de, Mailingliste der AG Energiepolitk <energie_und_infrastruktur AT lists.piratenpartei.de>, AG Umwelt <ag-umwelt AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: [Ag-umwelt] Fwd: [Ende Gelände] Fwd: [coal eu] Plans for mobilizations in Paris cancelled by authorities: French activists more determined than ever before to make their voices heard
  • Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 13:25:40 +0100
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-umwelt>
  • List-id: <ag-umwelt.lists.piratenpartei.de>


das weltweite Anti-Fracking-Gathering in Paris am Donnerstag 10.12. ist
wohl nicht betroffen, ich hab mich da jedenfalls angemeldet.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Ende Gelände] Fwd: [coal eu] Plans for mobilizations in Paris
cancelled by authorities: French activists more determined than ever
before to make their voices heard
Datum: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 10:05:49 +0100
Von: Mona Bricke <mona AT lossehof.de>
Antwort an: Mona Bricke <mona AT lossehof.de>
An: massengegenkohle2015 AT lists.riseup.net

Jetzt ist es öffentlich... Na, dann wird es ja um so wichtiger, zu
unseren Aktionen aufzurufen. Motto könnte sein: Wir sind das
Investitionsrisiko - Wir gehen dahin, wo es wirklich weh tut. Ende Gelände.

Es bleibt spannend!




*November 18, 2015*

*Plans for mobilizations in Paris cancelled by authorities: French
activists more determined than ever before to make their voices heard*

PARIS -- The Paris Prefecture of Police has announced that due to the
tragic events that took place on November 13, the Global Climate March
planned for November 29, and the December 12 mobilizations planned will
not be allowed to proceed in Paris.

We regret that no alternative has been found to allow our mobilization
plans to go ahead. However, we are more determined than ever to make our
voices heard on climate justice and throughout both weeks.

"We realize the gravity of the situation, but now more than ever, we
need to find creative ideas to call on people to unite around climate
action,” Juliette Rousseau, coordinator of the Coalition Climat 21, the
network of NGOS coordinating the mobilisations.

“There will be no COP21 without civil society and our voices will be
heard inside that conference centre and in capitals around the world,"
said Wael Hmaidan, director of Climate Action Network International.

In fact, on the weekend of November 28 and 29, on the eve of COP21,
millions of people throughout the world will march for climate justice.
More than 2,173 events are going ahead in more than 150 countries,
including 57 major marches across all continents and dozens of marches
across France.

“We call on people across the world to join in and march for us in
solidarity, to express our demands and echo our voices,” said Alix
Mazounie, international policy coordinator for RAC France.

Regarding both November 29 and December 12 in Paris, the French
Coalition is already at work to find creative ways to take action and
ensure that the future climate agreement will not be the work only of
government negotiators but of the people around the world.

The Citizens Climate Summit to be held on December 5 and 6 in Montreuil
(Seine Saint-Denis) and the Action Zone Climate (ZAC), to be held from
December 7 to 11 at Paris-CENTQUATRE should go forward as planned. These
mobilizations will be two great opportunities to demonstrate that civil
society is fighting and implementing the solutions to climate change,
and determined to fight against the climate crisis.

The Paris Climate Summit is not an end in itself. As citizens of the
world, we will continue to build a movement that will be strengthened
after this summit and beyond to call for a just energy transformation to
tackle the common threat of climate change.

Nicolas Haeringer, France Campaigner for 350.org <http://350.org> said

/"//The government can prohibit these demonstrations, but our voices
will not be silenced. //While this makes it difficult to go forward with
our original plans, we will still find a way for people in Paris to make
the call for climate justice heard, and we encourage everyone around the
world to join a Global Climate March and raise their voices louder than
ever. There’s never been a greater need./

/While our plans for Paris must change, the movement for climate justice
will not slow down. Around the world, marches, demonstrations, and civil
disobedience are all planned for the weeks and months ahead. Together,
we will continue to stand against violence and hatred with our peace and

/For people around the world, join the Global Climate March in your
community to show your support for climate justice. For those who were
planning to travel to Paris, still come and join us, and together we’ll
find a way to take action together.”/


To speak to Alix Mazounie of RAC France, contact Ria Voorhaar on +49 157
317 35568 or rvoorhaar AT climatenetwork.org
<mailto:rvoorhaar AT climatenetwork.org>

To speak to Juliette Rousseau, contactMeryl Sotty on +33 06 33 15 04 93
or _m.sotty AT coalitionclimat21.org_

To speak to 350.org <http://350.org>:

Contact in Paris: Eros Sana, eros AT 350.org <mailto:eros AT 350.org>, +33 6
72 66 82 20

Global contact: Hoda Baraka, hoda AT 350.org <mailto:hoda AT 350.org>, +20 100

US inquiries: Jamie Henn, jamie AT 350.org <mailto:jamie AT 350.org>, 415 890 3350

To speak to Avaaz:

Contact Bert Wander, bert AT avaaz.org <mailto:bert AT avaaz.org>, +447968017731

Learn more about the Coalition Climate 21:

21 Climate Coalition was born in 2014 at the initiative of the RAC
(Climate Action Network), CSIR (Centre for Research and Information on
Development) and of ATTAC. It originated: the failure of the Copenhagen
conference in 2009, but also trampling of trading on the Warsaw
Conference in 2013 that prompted civil society to slam the door of the
COP. Today, 21 Climate Coalition brings together more than 130
organizations of civil society. Together, they state that the
negotiations to be held in the framework of COP21, if they are a
necessary step, will not be enough to save the climate, as we have shown
those of the past twenty years. They call the citizens to enjoy the
political and media outreach summit to organize and mobilize broadly to
send a strong and sustainable movement for climate justice.

Discover the Coalition mobilization campaign

facebook.com/climat21 <http://facebook.com/climat21>




To speak to Alix Mazounie of RAC France, contact Ria Voorhaar on +49 157
317 35568 or rvoorhaar AT climatenetwork.org

To speak to 350.org <http://350.org>
Contact in Paris: Eros Sana, <mailto:eros AT 350.org>eros AT 350.org, +33 6 72
66 82 20
Global contact: Hoda Baraka, <mailto:hoda AT 350.org>hoda AT 350.org, +20 100
US inquiries: Jamie Henn, jamie AT 350.org <mailto:jamie AT 350.org>, 415 890 3350

To speak to Avaaz
Contact Bert Wander, bert AT avaaz.org
<mailto:bert AT avaaz.org>, +447968017731 <tel:%2B447968017731>


Ria Voorhaar
Head - International Communications Coordination
Climate Action Network – International (CAN)

mobile: +49 157 3173 5568
skype: ria.voorhaar
rvoorhaar AT climatenetwork.org <mailto:rvoorhaar AT climatenetwork.org>
_www.climatenetwork.org _
Twitter: @CANIntl
Subscribe to the ECO newsletter: http://climatenetwork.org/eco-newsletters

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  • [Ag-umwelt] Fwd: [Ende Gelände] Fwd: [coal eu] Plans for mobilizations in Paris cancelled by authorities: French activists more determined than ever before to make their voices heard, Hanns-Jörg Rohwedder, 19.11.2015

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