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ag-meinungsfindungstool - Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] polis

ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list


Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] polis

Chronologisch Thread 

2014-08-15 16:00 GMT-06:00 Thomas <entropy AT heterarchy.net>:
> Hier noch eins, falls noch nicht bekannt https://pol.is

Interesting system, but unfortunately it violates two of my "rules" (a
link to those shown in my previous post):
1) Any system that the general public may use for government-level
decisions *must* be free and open source.

2) It fails to deal with both the scalability and authoritarian
issues: In the end there will be only *one* worldwide system for
political decisionmaking. You either design for that eventuality or
you plan to be MySpace (or BetaMax, or any other of a long list of
formats that died out).

Being a (retired) entrepreneur myself I really hate to piss on other
people's projects like this, but feel it must be done to prevent
crippling balkinization in this domain. It particularly bothers me to
criticize Loomio, which I like a lot, but I fear it must be doomed
because the group that is developing it insists that it will be a
source of revenue at some point. I see no problem using crowdfunding
to help develop these systems, but even a *hint* that a proprietary
version of the software will be made available, whether as an actual
product or merely as a service, means that at some point an
irreconcilable conflict will develop.

PS: Again my apologies for posting in English and my hope is that you
can use Google translate (or some other service) to read it if your
English is weak or non-existent (as is my German). The Plan does
include a solution to this problem (an auxlang), and I've actually
been working on that part of the project more than the actual
government aspects the last month or so. That project involves
crowdsourcing too, and I hope you all will be able to participate when
the time comes (unfortunately months/years from now).

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