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ag-meinungsfindungstool - Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Votorola and AG MFT

ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de

Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list


Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Votorola and AG MFT

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: "marc" <marc AT merkstduwas.de>
  • To: "Votorola" <votorola AT zelea.com>
  • Cc: Michael Allan <mike AT zelea.com>, Piraten AG Meinungsfindungstool <ag-meinungsfindungstool AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: Re: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Votorola and AG MFT
  • Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 02:46:10 +0100
  • Importance: Normal
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-meinungsfindungstool>
  • List-id: <ag-meinungsfindungstool.lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Organization: merkst Du was?

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your reply.

Just some additional questions for now:

(1) Is there a Votorola instance running somewhere out in the field already?

(2) Who is the audience of Votorola?

(3) How - if at all - does Votorola proof the quality of results (consensus)?

(4) Isn't consensus a *kind* of decision result?

And some remarks on what you said:

I assume you're not interested at first in the broader purpose of
Votorola (collective freedom and autonomy). Instead you're looking
for a clear connection to the concepts of AG MFT.

No, I would like to understand the big picture of Votorola also.

The "system" on the right is almost always a decision system.
It could be LiquidFeedback (like you expect in AG MFT) or any
decision system in society.

Please note that the AG MFT model does *not* expect any particular decision system to be in place! From our point of view LQFB is *just* one out of many.

If anything's still unclear, please say so.

I think I got the intention described by the pictures, but still something is missing to fill in the gap in my mind. Unfortunately I can't name it. Maybe your answers to my questions at the top of this mail will help me to understand it better.


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