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Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list
- From: Dinu Gherman <gherman AT>
- To: AG MFT <ag-meinungsfindungstool AT>
- Subject: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Participedia
- Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 19:44:57 +0100
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: <>
for those who speak English on this list nowadays: I want to share a
reference with you that reached me today via a friend of mine who did his PhD
on Deliberative Democracy, namely that to Participedia, a "Community for
Political Participation". Maybe this will be of interest to some of you. I
copied the "about" text from the site below.
Participedia is an open global knowledge community for researchers and
practitioners in the field of democratic innovation and public engagement.
About Participedia
Participedia harnesses the power of collaboration to respond to a recent
global phenomenon: the rapid development of experiments in new forms of
participatory politics and governance around the world.
We live in a world in which citizens of most countries are asking for greater
involvement in collective decisions. Many governments, non-governmental
organizations, and even some corporations are responding by experimenting
with ways to increase public participation.
Hundreds of thousands of participatory processes occur each year in almost
every country in the world. They are occurring in a wide variety of political
and policy problems. And they often supplement and sometimes compete with
more traditional forms of politics, such as representative democracy.
Participedia responds to these developments by providing a low-cost, easy way
for hundreds of researchers and practitioners from across the globe to
catalogue and compare the performance of participatory political processes.
Practitioners, activists, government officials, and journalists will benefit
from Participedia’s searchable database of cases, methods, and organizations,
including knowledge about how well processes have worked for similar
problems, under similar conditions.
Social scientists, policy analysts, democratic theorists, and other scholars
will benefit from access to a dynamic, diverse, and growing source of
comparable qualitative and quantitative data. We encourage you to contribute
information on case studies, methods and organizations. The more you
participate, the more you will appreciate what this site has to offer.
- [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] Participedia, Dinu Gherman, 14.11.2012
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