ag-meinungsfindungstool AT
Betreff: Ag-meinungsfindungstool mailing list
- From: Dinu Gherman <gherman AT>
- To: Liquid Democracy in der Piratenpartei <ag-liquid-democracy AT>, ag-meinungsfindungstool AT
- Subject: [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] FYI: How to Have a Successful Free Software Project
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 11:47:46 +0200
- List-archive: <>
- List-id: <>
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin vor kurzem wieder auf einige Publikationen von Martin Michlmayr zu
FLOS-Software aufmerksam geworden, die zwar nicht mehr ganz neu sind, die ich
aber immer noch für relevant halte. Ich finde das ganz spanned wieder zu
lesen, wenn ich dabei an LQFB und ähnliche hier diskutierte Systeme denke.
Hier die Sammlung von Martins Publikationen:
Davon sind einige an dieser Stelle relevant, aber ich zitiere mal nur aus der
folgenden die Konklusion unten:
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How to Have a Successful Free Software Project
Free software is a phenomenon which has attracted much attention recently.
The bazaar phase of such projects can be credited with the feature richness
and high quality of free software. The bazaar phase exploits a large number
of volunteers who contribute to the development of the software through bug
reports, additional requirements, bug fixes and features. However, it has not
been previously described how a project can establish this community and be a
success. The lifecycle model of free software presented in this paper fills
this gap.
We describe a three phase lifecycle for free software projects. The first
phase is characterised by closed development performed by a small group or
developer with much in common with tradi- tional software development from
which we have named the cathedral phase in reference to Eric Raymond. The
second phase is a move from traditional development to community based
develop- ment which we have named the transition phase. Only projects with
certain properties can successfully pass the transition phase.
In order to operate successfully in the bazaar phase a number of activities
must be completed. The first six are crucial, numbers seven to eleven are
important and twelve is desirable:
1. A prototype with plausible promise must have been created.
2. The design of the prototype must be modular.
3. The source code of the prototype must be available and workable (ie.
compiles and executes).
4. A community of users and developers must be attracted to the project.
5. The project author must be motivated to manage the project or find a
6. Project communication and contribution mechanisms must be in place.
7. The scope of the project must be well defined.
8. A coding standard or style must be established.
9. Development versions of software must have short release cycles while user
versions must be stable and consistent.
10. A license must be chosen which is attractive to developers.
11. A suitable management style must be selected.
12. An appropriate amount of project documentation must exist.
The final phase is where the project becomes a community based project and
gains the associated advantages — we have named this the bazaar phase. The
lifecycle model proposed here gives a better understanding of the dynamics of
free software and can assist in their success.
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Vielleicht hilft das ja dem ein oder anderen bei der Meinungsfindung dazu,
welche Faktoren einen positiven Einfluss auf erfolgreiche FLOSS-Projekte
- [Ag Meinungsfindungstool] FYI: How to Have a Successful Free Software Project, Dinu Gherman, 13.09.2012
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