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ag-landwirtschaft - [Ag-landwirtschaft] Fwd: [Ttip-unfairhandel-bar] Studie zu reg. Kooperation und Auswirkungen auf Regulierung von Pestiziden

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[Ag-landwirtschaft] Fwd: [Ttip-unfairhandel-bar] Studie zu reg. Kooperation und Auswirkungen auf Regulierung von Pestiziden

Chronologisch Thread 
  • From: "Birgitt.Piepgras AT piratenpartei.de" <Birgitt.Piepgras AT piratenpartei.de>
  • To: "ag-landwirtschaft AT lists.piratenpartei.de" <ag-landwirtschaft AT lists.piratenpartei.de>
  • Subject: [Ag-landwirtschaft] Fwd: [Ttip-unfairhandel-bar] Studie zu reg. Kooperation und Auswirkungen auf Regulierung von Pestiziden
  • Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:45:59 +0100
  • List-archive: <https://service.piratenpartei.de/pipermail/ag-landwirtschaft>
  • List-id: Mailingliste der AG Landwirtschaft <ag-landwirtschaft.lists.piratenpartei.de>

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

hier der Link zu einer neuen interessanten Studie von CIEL zu
regulatorischer Kooperation in TTIP und Auswirkungen auf die Regulierung
von Pestiziden.

Herzliche Grüße

Lowest Common Denominator

January 7, 2015<http://ciel.org/wordpress_211560016/?p=1887#respond>

/*US-EU trade agreement threatens to reduce environmental standards in
favor of looser pesticide regulations*/


Industry lobbyists are pushing proposals to weaken pesticide regulations
in the EU and US under the proposed Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) Agreement. Â The ongoing TTIP negotiations between
the EU and the US aims primarily to minimize regulatory differences
between the two trading blocs, further opening and easing trade.

A joint proposal from the American and European pesticide lobby groups
CropLife America and European Crop Protection Association (ECPA)
suggests that, in order to increase trade, TTIP adopt lower standards of
protection from toxic pesticides, those more akin to standards currently
in place in the United States. The new study released today: /Lowest
Common Denominator: How the EU-US trade deal threatens to lower
standards of protection from toxic pesticides <http://bit.ly/1BBjHz8>/
analyses the proposal and if adopted, TTIP would:

1. Permit the use of carcinogens and other substances of high concern
as pesticides;
2. Increase the amount of toxic pesticides allowed on food sold to
3. Weaken, slow, or stop efforts to regulate endocrine (hormone)
disrupting chemicals (EDCs);
4. Obstruct efforts to save bee populations and protect food supplies
for future generations;
5. Block public access to information crucial to developing non-toxic
6. Interfere with the democratic process by usurping the regulatory
authority of US States and EU Member States; and
7. Install a “regulatory ceiling” hampering global pesticide


The study includes a list of 82 toxic pesticides as well as their hazard
characteristics, which are banned in the EU but allowed for use in the
US. Among these 82 pesticides are carcinogens, endocrine (or hormone)
disruptors, developmental toxins and other extremely hazardous
substances. The approach advocated by the pesticide industry would lead
to a reintroduction of these banned pesticides in the EU, contrary to
decades of evidence that the risks of pesticides with certain intrinsic
hazards cannot be adequately predicted or controlled, and that exposure
should therefore be limited.

Similarly, the industry proposal aims at amending the EU and US laws
that define the maximum amount of pesticide acceptable on food in the
interest of “harmonization.” The EU and US use different procedures
to define maximum residue limits, with the result that US generally
allows much more residue to be present than the limits set in the EU
(sometimes up to 1000 times more). The CropLife and ECPA proposal urge
the EU to raise their maximum residue limits to US levels and, in some
cases, to use the even higher residue limits set by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission:

In their own economic interest, the CropLife-ECPA lowest common
denominator approach to the TTIP negotiations is meant to increase trade
of pesticides by creating uniform – if the lowest – international
standards. Â If adopted, the proposals would likely slow or halt
environmental progress, in large part dragging the EU down to US
regulations instead of elevating the US to those of the EU. Meanwhile,
EU political leaders assert that TTIP won’t change the laws regarding
toxic chemicals or lower standards of protection, so we will be closely
monitoring how this plays out.

Read the full report: http://bit.ly/1BBjHz8

Read the press announcement. <http://ciel.org/Chem/TTIP_LCD_7Jan2015.html>

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  • [Ag-landwirtschaft] Fwd: [Ttip-unfairhandel-bar] Studie zu reg. Kooperation und Auswirkungen auf Regulierung von Pestiziden, Birgitt.Piepgras AT piratenpartei.de, 07.01.2015

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